Lee Diamond – Hide and Seek
We closed Our eyes
It was a game
Little did we know
That He wasn’t kidding
Or playing anymore with us
Because of our actions
Because we worshipped
The material gods of that time
Because we hated each other
Because of the Rich who hated the Poor
Because of empty sacrifice
And empty ritual
Because the means became the end
Despite the prophets calls
And warnings
Telling us that we were
Missing the mark
We were blind
We were deaf
And finally we were left
Alone in an empty universe
We searched for Him
But He had hidden
His Face from us
His Panin
His Pnin
His essence
And his Temple became
An Empty, unworthy
And was ultimately destroyed
By the very uncircumcised
Who chose Zeus and denied His Name
We sat there and cried
We cried as we remembered
Zion and our abandonment
Of His essence .
And we begged from the rivers
Of Babylon–
The Tigris and the Euphrates
For You
To come out of hiding
To show us your hidden
And You continued to hide Your face
And we called to you
ותחזינו עינינו בשובך לציון ברחמים.
‘Let our eyes behold Your return to Zion
Be merciful to us!”
As we hid in our cellars Of Terezin
And the barracks of
We pleaded
But you saw us not
And then one great day
You awoke
And removed Your veil of bitter tears
And You stepped out of your
Hiding and carried us on eagle wings
To your hiding place
To Eretz Yisrael
And you revealed You’re AWE FULL
And together we rebuilt Zion
Are we aware today?
That the answer to our prayer of 2000 years
Has begun?
The beginning of redemption
Are we aware that our vision
Has been restored
If we only know how to see?
Or will we avoid the greatest miracle
Of our being.
ברוך אתה ה׳ המחזיר שכינתו לציון
God bless You
For returning Your Essence to us in Zion