So-called experts in various fields claim that this war in which Israel saved itself from annihilation is somehow our undoing. Spin and revisionism seems to prevail in the academic communities and in the mainstream press. We find that progressives of all stripes love to hate Israel and somehow look forward to its demise. Michael Oren, respected historian clearly states that Documents in Arabic clearly show Arab armies intended to destroy Israel.
Rabbi David Zaslow from the Jewish Renewal community of Havurah Shir Hadash in Ashland, Oregon wrote a wonderful piece called Moral Equivalency. It can be found at
These observers and defenders of the truth wash away the filth and lies that have permeated civil discussion about Israel, its right to exist and Its need to defend itself from the onslaught of terrorism. The enemies of peace are Hezbollah and Hamas. They serve the will and whims of Iranian leadership and other evil entities that are interested in only preserving their perverse reading of the Koran.
I remember working as a reporter at Expo 67 in Montreal when the six day war broke out. I was visiting the Israeli pavilion at the time with my partner when the director came out of his office and realizing that we were Jewish asked us to make a LeChaim for the success of Israel in a war taking place on 3 fronts. It was a moment that I will never forget.
In spite of all the attempted boycotts Israel continually offers the world the highest levels of scientific research. Technological development permeates our R and D teams allowing for the easy flow of content through the veins of all the new gadgets and information highways that make way by easing the suffering of millions through these discoveries. Our brutal self-criticism demonstrates our freedom to express ourselves openly without fear or intimidation. We have our problems and lack of leadership but we are not afraid to emerge from these difficult situations with courage and determination. Israel is a light to the rest of the world. A light that shines with its warts and all. We admit that we are not perfect and make mistakes but we also provide in that self-examination the spirit to transcend these errors of judgment and attain heights of discovery that helps all humankind. The Jewish people here and abroad have seeded the world with a moral compass that is sometimes annoying to those that want to kill the spirit of excellence. I am proud to be a part of this nation in our quest to fulfill our destiny while providing aid and comfort to the less fortunate.
We want peace but not at any price. We want peace but have no partner. We want peace but receive only death threats in return. I pray that we continue to find that greatness in our hearts and minds. In that greatness, compassion and understanding prevails as we take the lead with support from our Jewish and non-Jewish global partners. We are a nation that desires our minority communities to participate fully in this experiment called Israel. In spite of what is written in the world press we do encourage all our citizens to rise above their differences and share in the bounty and greatness that we can be.