
Yoram Getzler 1938-2013 My Dear Friend and Co-host of Israelseen

   I am waiting for the train on my way to  my daughter’s house  in Kfar Sava so we can travel together with Ido and lia to Yoram’s funeral. Somehow the burial of my dear friend and co host of israelseen seems so weird. Yoram dies on Shabbat is being buried on Purim. I can see him  laughing hysterically at the thought. How do I describe In Words the intimacy that we shared as friends.


A brief history is in order. We met in the 80’s when I was director of the Israel Bible Museum in Safed . I secured an interview for American international artist Phillip Ratner on Kol Israel radio, English news. Yoram was the interviewer. It took place at the King David hotel in Jerusalem. We connected immediately and became friends from that day forward.  We had many of the same friends  and often enjoyed getting together and  discussing a range of topics from politics to personal issues we had in  common.

It wasn’t until I returned to Israel 8 years ago that we spoke to each other almost daily. When israelseen was born we became co hosts of a weekly podcast about Israel. It was a wonderful experience that we both enjoyed immensely . We shared our opinions on all kinds of subjects and interviewed a variety of interesting Israelis.  Yoram also  loved and had a passion for music. His podcasts on music in Israel and his interviews were very well received.

As our intimacy as friends grew  we often spoke  about our aging and the pleasures and difficulties of the process. He was fascinated with my being a meditator and Tfillin wearer   but it wasn’t his thing. We did enjoy smoking from time to time and got into all kinds of personal issues that was heart felt and was always expressed with deep love and respect.

We had  quietly planned to take a vacation together to Thailand in the fall of 2013.

At this moment I have only feelings of joy for the wonderfully enriching friendship we shared.

Yoram and Simcha took our three children in as if they were their own while we lived in the States. David was dancing with Bat Dor at the time, Rachel was working  while she finished her MBA and Ori was in the army spending much of his time in Lebanon. Yoram and Simcha made them feel as if they had two sets of parents.  What a blessing it has been  for our family to be a part of Yoram and Simcha’s life.

Our time together working on israelseen was so much fun and gave both of us an excuse to see each other more often since we lived in different cities. He enjoyed coming to Tel Aviv and eating in restaurants that served a good piece of meat. We would often laugh about this since  he ate vegetarian at home.  It was like two kids secretly rebelling against our parents.

Yoram was a deep thinker and had no tolerance for the extremes, left or right. He was very concerned about the failures of our system to take care of the poor and those left behind.

It still hasn’t sunk in that he is not here and with the passing of our  dear friend Moshe Dror about two years ago there are now two empty seats at the table.

While Yoram  passes into another realm  I am left with yet another friend I am no longer able to hug, love and and kiss on that sweet hippy beard he so loved.

The service for Yoram was special for me. Although it was of course a time for mourning of the passing of my dear friend I felt a deep warm sense of well being for a great human being that lived his life HIS WAY!

I love you brother and you will always be a part of my life.

I have put up links to some of our podcasts and his blogs. For the rest of them just go to Yoram Getzler and Yorams Blog  in our directory.

This was our first podcast in 2006


Moshe Dror: Futurist, Educator and Committed Optimist

Part II: Moshe Dror: Futurist, Educator and Committed Optimist


Interview with Rabbi Andrew Davids.


David Bedein interview


Dissent by American Jews regarding Israeli Policy?


The People Speak: Two Protests demanding government accountability.


A Post Israeli Election Commentary


2006 Lebanon War update.


Music podcast

You haven’t heard anything yet

Persian Jewish Music – Authentic Renditions – Janet Rotstein-YeHudayan

Ronit Shefi and the Voice of the Goddess

Varieties of Music from Israel:Persian


Other Podcasts

A Surprise in the Heart of Jerusalem – Yoram Takes Us on a Journey

Interview – Daniella Ashkenazy – Chelm on the Med – Snippets of Daily Life in Israel

1947 to 2010 Personal Experience of Journalist Eliezer Whartman in Israel

A Visit to the Herodium and Herod’s Tomb


Oslo Accords Died with Arafat
December 25, 2012

December 03, 2012

Eight Days On
December 01, 2012

November 28, 2012

Yoram on Avrum and the Binding of Issac – Akaida
October 23, 2012

Preventing Iran from developing a nuclear weapon – Prepare

The Potential is a Challenge – Israeli-Arabs


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