
Yair Lapid – We Are At WAR

Yair Lapid - We Are At WAR

MK Yair Lapid – We are at war


Yair Lapid – We Are At WAR

The BDS movement (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) spreads an unbelievable amount of lies about us, fabricated pictures and fictional witness accounts. The goal is to smear Israel’s name in the world, to isolate us, to turn us into a hated and illegitimate state.We cannot abandon this field.Not everyone is an anti-Semite, not everyone is against us; we just need to explain our side of the story. If we manage this struggle with determination and wisdom, we can win. But we all need to mobilize.

We are Israelis. And when our house is under attack, we stand ready to defend it. It’s in our genes. There is no right or left in this. When facing the outside world, we are united.  For every lie that is being spread, we have written the truth. We haven’t invented a thing, all the information is based on facts.


BDS PROPAGANDA: Members of BDS are human rights and peace activists.
OUR TRUTH: BDS is an anti-Semitic movement, founded by global Jihadi organizations. Its activity has been recognized as an anti-Semitic hate crime in France and the United States. Those standing behind BDS have discreet connections with Hamas, whose charter calls for the annihilation of the Jews no less than 12 times.
Despite the attempt to portray the movement as non-violent, the BDS movement has never condemned violence directed against Israelis or Jews.


BDS PROPAGANDA: The occupation is the root cause of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
OUR TRUTH: The conflict and Palestinian acts of terror against Jews in Israel started a long time before Israel took control of the territories. Already in the 1940’s, the Palestinian leadership cooperated with the Nazis against the Jews and acts of terror against Israel started long before the territories were conquered in 1967.
If the territories were the problem, how do they explain the fact that in 2005 Israel pulled out of the Gaza Strip to the last meter, and since that time, some 20,000 rockets have rained down upon the Israeli civilian population?


BDS PROPAGANDA: The Jewish People have no rights to a state in the land of Israel.
OUR TRUTH: Our historic and national right to the State of Israel is based on a connection going back 3,000 years. This right was recognized by the UN General Assembly on the 29 of November, 1947.
In the world there are 130 countries with a Christian majority, 49 countries with a Muslim majority, three with a Hindu majority and only one Jewish State on a territory that represents 1/800 of the size of the entire Arab world.


BDS PROPAGANDA: Israel doesn’t recognize the rights of the Palestinians to a state and isn’t interested in resolving the conflict.
OUR TRUTH: Since the 1930’s the Palestinians have rejected no less than 5 proposals for a territorial compromise. Already in 1947 the Jewish leadership recognized the right of the Arabs to an independent state alongside Israel. The Arab side rejected the proposal and started a war. Twice – in 2000 and 2008 – Israel offered more than 90% of the territory for them to establish a state, and they refused.
In 2005, Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip and left 3,000 greenhouses behind that had been under Jewish ownership. Instead of giving them to the Gazans, Hamas destroyed these greenhouses and invested hundreds of millions of dollars from the aid sent to them from around the world to build tens of terror tunnels and launching sites for missiles that were designed to carry out terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians.


BDS PROPAGANDA: Israel is exploiting the Palestinian economy.
OUR TRUTH: The Palestinian economy is in a slowdown due to corruption in the Palestinian Authority. There are numerous examples of this, including a report by the European Union that determined that corruption in the Palestinian economy led to the loss of some 2 billion Euros in aid between 2008 and 2012. One example among many: documents that were leaked by the Palestinian Authority proved that corruption still exists. In the summer of 2015, a document was leaked that proved that Mahmoud Abbas’ advisor asked the foreign minister of Bahrain for 4 million dollars to fund a private housing complex for people in the Palestinian Authority.


BDS PROPAGANDA: Israel is a racist state
OUR TRUTH: The State of Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East and all of its citizens – Jews, Muslims and Christians – enjoy equal rights.
The party that represents Israeli Arabs is the third largest in the Knesset, and is a considerable political force. Israeli law requires a just representation of Israeli Arabs in senior positions in the public sector. Israeli Arabs hold public posts in various government offices, as lawmakers in the Knesset, as officers in the IDF and as judges, including in the Supreme Court.


BDS PROPAGANDA: Israel is an apartheid country with a separation fence
OUR TRUTH: The security fence does not create separation based on ethnicity or religion, rather it is meant only to prevent terrorists from entering Israel. It is an existential need and every country would act the same to protect its citizens, in every sector. Its purpose is only security related.
A year after the fence was built, there was a 30% reduction in the number of terrorist attacks and the number of Israelis killed was reduced by 90%. On the day that Palestinian terror ceases, the fence will come down.


BDS PROPAGANDA: The movement aims to establish a Palestinian state alongside that of the State of Israel
OUR TRUTH: The BDS movement doesn’t recognize the right of the State of Israel to exist.
The boycott movement talks about one state between the Jordan and the Sea – a code name for the disappearance of all the Jews from Israel and not just from the West Bank.
Omar Barghouti, one of the movement’s founders, said: “The idea of two states was void from the start. The ending of Israeli control in the territories is but the first stage on the road to fulfilling the vision of the dismantling of Israel.” (Barghouti is an Israeli Arab who lives in Acre, who benefits from all that Israel has to offer. The fact that he walks around freely points to the power of the only democracy in the Middle East.)
The BDS movement is not interested in a Palestinian State alongside Israel, rather it negates the very existence of Israel. It hides this from its naïve supporters in the West.


BDS PROPAGANDA: The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the root cause of the problem of terror around the world
OUR TRUTH: Since the establishment of the State of Israel, 67 years ago, 12 million Muslims have already been killed around the Arab world by other Muslims in the framework of religious conflicts that have nothing to do with Israel. The attempt to blame the Jews is a new form of old anti-Semitism in which the Jews are blamed for everything. A solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is desirable, and most Israelis support it, but it won’t solve the Sunni-Shia conflict, it won’t destroy ISIS, it won’t stop Iran from funding terror. The attempt to blame Israel for terror just gives excuses to the terrorists and helps promote terrorism.



Table Form

Our Truth BDS Propaganda
BDS is an anti-Semitic movement, founded by global Jihadi organizations. Its activity has been recognized as an anti-Semitic hate crime in France and the United States. Those standing behind BDS have discreet connections with Hamas, whose charter calls for the annihilation of the Jews no less than 12 times.
Despite the attempt to portray the movement as non-violent, the BDS movement has never condemned violence directed against Israelis or Jews
Members of BDS are human rights and peace activists
The conflict and Palestinian acts of terror against Jews in Israel started a long time before Israel took control of the territories. Already in the 1940’s, the Palestinian leadership cooperated with the Nazis against the Jews and acts of terror against Israel started long before the territories were conquered (in 1967).
If the territories were the problem, how do they explain the fact that in 2005 Israel pulled out of the Gaza strip to the last centimeter, and since that time, some 20,000 rockets have rained down upon the Israeli civilian population?
The occupation is the root cause of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Our historic and national right to the State of Israel is based on a connection going back 3,000 years. This right was recognized by the UN Security Council on the 29 of November, 1947.
In the world there are 130 countries with a Christian majority, 49 countries with a Muslim majority, 3 with a Hindu majority and only one Jewish State on a territory that represents 1/800 of the size of the entire Arab world.
The Jewish People have no rights to a state in the land of Israel
Since the 1930’s the Palestinians have rejected no less than 5 proposals for a territorial compromise. Already in 1947 the Jewish community recognized the right of the Arabs to an independent state alongside Israel. The Arab side rejected the proposal and started a war. Twice – in 2000 and 2009 – Israel offered more than 90% of the territory for them to establish a state, and they refused.
In 2005, Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip and left 3,000 greenhouses behind that had been under Jewish ownership. Instead of giving them to Gazans, Hamas destroyed these greenhouses and invested hundreds of millions of dollars from the aid sent to them from around the world to build tens of terror tunnels and launching sites for missiles whose intent was (and is) to carry out terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians.
Israel doesn’t recognize the rights of the Palestinians to a state and isn’t interested in resolving the conflict
The Palestinian economy is in a slowdown due to corruption in the Palestinian Authority. There are numerous examples of this, including a report by the European Union that determined that corruption in the Palestinian economy led to the loss of some 2 billion Euros in aid between 2008 and 2012. One example among many: documents that were leaked by the Palestinian Authority proved that corruption still exists. In the summer 2015, a document was leaked that proved that Abu Mazen’s advisor asked the Foreign Minister of Bahrain for 4 million dollars to fund a private housing complex for people in the Palestinian Authority. Israel is exploiting the Palestinian economy
The State of Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East and all of its citizens – Jews, Muslims and Christians – enjoy equal rights.
The party that represents Israeli Arabs is the third largest in the Knesset, and is a considerable political force. Israeli law requires a just representation of Israeli Arabs in senior positions in the public sector. Israeli Arabs hold public posts in various government offices, as lawmakers in the Knesset, as officers in the IDF and as judges, including in the Supreme Court.
Israel is a racist state
The security fence does not create separation based on ethnicity or religion, rather it is meant only to prevent terrorists from entering Israel. It is an existential need and every country would act the same to protect its citizens, all of its citizens. Its purpose is only security related.
A year after the fence was built, there was a 30% reduction in the amount of terrorist attacks and the amount of Israelis killed was reduced by 90%. On the day that Palestinian terror ceases, the fence can come down.
Israel is an apartheid country with a separation fence
The BDS movement doesn’t recognize the right of the State of Israel to exist.
The boycott movement talks about one state between the Jordan and the Sea – a code name for the disappearance of all the Jews from Israel and not just in the West Bank.
Omer Barghouti, among the movement’s founders, said: “The idea of two states was void from the start. The ending of Israeli control in the territories is but the first stage on the road to fulfilling the vision of the dismantling of Israel.” (Barghouti is an Israeli Arab who lives in Accre, who benefits from all that Israel has to offer. The fact that he walks around freely points to the power of the only democracy in the Middle East.)
The BDS movement is not interested in a Palestinian State alongside Israel, rather it negates the very existence of Israel. It hides this from its naïve supporters in the West.
The movement aims to establish a Palestinian State alongside that of the State of Israel
Since the establishment of the State of Israel, 67 years ago, 12 million Muslims have already been killed around the Arab world by other Muslims in the framework of religious conflicts that have nothing to do with Israel. The attempt to blame the Jews is a new form of old anti-Semitism in which the Jews were blamed for everything. A solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is desirable, and most Israelis support it, but it won’t solve the Sunni-Shia conflict, it won’t destroy ISIS, it won’t stop Iran from funding terror. The attempt to blame Israel for terror just gives excuses to the terrorists and helps promote terrorism. The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict is the root cause of the problem of terror around the world



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