Judges 6:34 “And the Spirit of the Holy One
came upon Gideon, and he blew a shofar.”
Rabbi Dov Baer pointed the way
for us to understand the meaning of the verse,
“And it came to pass, when the player played
that the spirit of Hashem came upon him.”
He teaches us that even though a person
may be proficient at blowing the shofar
there remains inside the mind distracting thoughts.
This is not true of the shofar itself
which is undistracted when being played.
Here is the meaning of “…and the player played.”
That is, when the player becomes the played,
when the blower becomes the blown,
when the player becomes shofar itself.
At that moment, for just a moment,
we are not distracted just as the shofar is not distracted.
And that is when “…the spirt of Hashem” comes upon us.
Here is a secret of the shofar:
As the blower becomes the blown,
so the listener must become
that which is listened to.
In this way only do we become
at-one with Hashem.
For are we not like the Holy One’s own shofar?
Does the Holy One not blow the soul of life into us,
into the bent horns of our lives?
Reb Dov Baer taught,
“That which comes from the heart enters the heart.
That which comes from the Maker
is certainly heard by the Maker.
That is why the Holy One can hear
our prayers of Teshuvah
during the Days of Awe.”
And this is the secret of atonement:
Becoming at-one with our Maker.
During the High Holidays?
“Yes, as a model for the rest of the year.”
Bio of Rav. David Zaslow: