
WATCH: Israel takes yoga to a whole new level

yoga   Combining elements of acrobatics and yoga, Israelis meet in parks around the country regularly to share their passion for Acrobalance.


When I have tried yoga in the past, instead of drifting into spiritual abyss, my mind wanders. I tend to sit there wondering what my Mum is doing, how I need to go food shopping and what I need to do before the weekend. I can’t make my mind be silent.

However, I may have found the perfect class for me. Acrobalance and Acroyoga incorporate elements of acrobatics and yoga, strengthen muscles and improve flexibility; and, as the names suggest, improve balance too.

Thanks to Facebook and word-of mouth, more Israelis are meeting for sessions under shady trees in different cities all over the country to try out this alternative, fun way to exercise.

I certainly felt like Superman when I tried it out  in the Negev on the weekend.

Go to Jpost for the rest of the story.



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