Good News from Israel

This Weeks Sanity Report from Israel – Oct. 5, 2014


This Weeks Sanity Report from Israel

This Weeks Sanity Report from Israel.Revolutionary option for baby nutrition. Image via the highlights include: An Israeli alternative to antibiotics reprograms the immune system to fight infections. Health workers in West Africa are saving lives with an app built using Israeli software. Israeli hospitals have treated over 1200 wounded Syrians. The next two generations of Intel’s advanced microprocessors are Israeli-developed. The most advanced 3D printer factory in the world has been inaugurated in Israel. Free tours were given to hundreds of unique sites during Open House Jerusalem week.



This Weeks Sanity Report from Israel

Thanks once again to our friend and colleague :  Michael Ordman-Good News from Israel


A new way to fight infection. The US Biomedical R&D Authority has awarded Israel’s Atox Bio $24 million to develop its treatments for severe infections. Atox Bio’s AB103 uniquely modulates the patient’s immune response rather than attacking the virus or bacteria. Pathogens cannot develop resistance to the treatment.

Hepatitis treatment fast-tracked. The US FDA has awarded Fast Track Designation to Israeli biotech Galmed for its Aramchol treatment of Non-Alcoholic Steato-Hepatitis, or NASH. Galmed is to perform Phase IIb trials of Aramchol this year with 240 NASH patients who also suffer from obesity and insulin resistance.


Robotic heart surgery in action. An Israeli Broadcasting Authority report about the groundbreaking robotic catheterization procedure that was broadcast live from Israel to 12,000 US doctors two weeks ago. Two Israelis founded Corindus, the company that developed the system.

This Weeks Sanity Report from Israel


New non-dairy, no soy infant formula. Two Israeli baby-food executives have developed a new vegetable-based product called INDI (Innovative Non Dairy Infant formula). It provides a solution for babies who cannot tolerate cows milk. It also doesn’t contain soy, which can affect a baby’s hormones.

“About Ebola” saves lives. Health workers in West Africa have used the Israeli app Snapp to build a website containing essential details about preventing the spread of Ebola. “About Ebola” is the first Android app written in the Jola / Diola language and around 5,000 copies have been downloaded. technology-helps-beat-ebola/

Israel’s oldest hospital celebrates 120 years. An old Jewish blessing states, “You should live for 120 years.” Jerusalem’s Herzog Hospital, Israel’s oldest hospital, is celebrating its 120th birthday and is still expanding. Herzog is Israel’s foremost center for geriatric and mental health care, treatment and research.


Innovating for good. Beit Issie Shapira has won Microsoft Israel’s “Innovate for Good” competition for its “IssiePlay” app for computer tablets. IssiePlay is an imaginative game with accessibility features for children with disabilities. Beit Issie benefits 30,000 Israeli disabled children and adults.

A special friend. (Thanks to 12Tribe Films) This is a beautiful video of Erez, an Israeli boy with special needs, who is introduced to a horse on a farm in Israel. Erez is one of 150 Israelis with “Williams syndrome” – a disorder in which sufferers have problems connecting with others.


A “next generation leader”. Israel’s Adi Altschuler has been named one of Time magazine’s six “Next Generation Leaders.” 27-year-old Adi has created “communities of kindness” through the establishment of Krembo Wings, a nationwide youth movement that runs after-school activities for children with disabilities.

“Israel: A failed state.” (Thanks to Robyn) I almost missed this article by Charles Abelsohn – founder of “Truth be Told”. I had assumed from the title that it was anti-Israel. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

6 more Syrians treated in Israeli hospitals. On 27th Sept, three seriously wounded Syrian children were brought to the Ziv Medical Center in Safed. They were treated at the trauma unit and were expected to undergo surgery when their condition stabilizes. Ziv has treated 376 Syrians. On 28th Sept, a severely wounded 10-year-old and a wounded man in his twenties were brought to a Northern Israel hospital. On 2nd Oct, Poriya Hospital in Tiberias received a 23-year-old Syrian man with shrapnel wounds – its 106th Syrian patient.,7340,L-4575245,00.html

Saving Syrian lives is Israel’s priority. Israel has spent over 32 million shekels (about $9 million) treating 1200 wounded Syrians, despite a severe shortage in hospital funds. IDF and Health ministry officials state that the treatment of Syrian wounded is viewed as being of the highest humanitarian nature.

Editor of Lancet sees reality. When Professor Richard Horton, editor of UK medical magazine “The Lancet” was criticized for publishing an anti-Israel article, he decided to visit an Israeli hospital himself. Seeing Jews and Arabs treating and being treated at Haifa’s Rambam hospital may open his eyes and his mind.

Northern Ireland group visits Israeli trauma centers. A group of trauma therapists and sufferers from Northern Ireland recently came to see the world-famous Trauma centers of Israel at work. Northern Ireland Assembly member, Michael Copeland, said it was “one of the most moving experiences of my life”.

Sky’s the limit to Israel-India ties. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was delighted to meet with his Indian counterpart, Narendra Modi in New York – the first meeting between leaders of the two countries in 10 years. PM Netanyahu invited PM Modi to Israel, in what would be a first for an Indian Prime Minister.,7340,L-4575718,00.html


The world’s largest dairy farm project. This video describes the work of Israel’s afimilk Vietnam – the largest dairy farm project in the world.


Design and print your own 3D product. Industrial designers Oded Marcus and Shaul Cohen welcome students and studios – and the general public – to come inside their new 3D Factory in Tel Aviv to check out the cutting-edge three-dimensional printers and what they can make.


Turn your saddle into a bike lock. Israel’s Seatylock is a neat way to carry around the lock for your bicycle, without you needing to take on any unnecessary extra weight.


$5 million donation for cyber security research. Carole and Marcus Weinstein have sponsored the building of a new Cyber Security center at Ben Gurion University – a key component of Israel’s CyberSpark initiative. The 1580 sq. m. building will house laboratories, classrooms, auditoriums, conference rooms, and offices.

The next generation of microchips is Israeli. Intel is launching its new Israel-developed Core M computer processor chips and already planning the release of its successor – the SkyLake, also designed in Israel. Intel’s Israeli developments are astounding.

Growing coral in the desert. (Thanks to Charlie) Israel’s OkCoral in the Negev desert produces fast-growing corals for use by Israel’s Corebone (featured previously) in dental implants and bone regeneration. (CNN video)

Over the moon for Israeli space technology. Over 200 leaders in the “space business” gathered at the Israel exhibition at the International Astronautical Congress in Toronto. Israel is one of only seven countries to launch and maintain its own satellites and works closely with both NASA and the European Space Agency.


Moody’s gives Israel A1 rating. International credit rating agency Moody’s reported that Israel’s investment grade remains at an A1 sovereign rating, and that the country’s economy maintains a stable outlook. Moody’s attributes the favorable rating to Israel’s “resilient growth model and effective governance.”

$360 million for Gaza-border communities. The Israeli government has appropriated $360 million to communities adjacent to the Israel-Gaza border on top of the $114 million allocated to the south during Operation Protective Edge. It is the biggest investment Israel has ever made in the south, funding factories, business support, developing tourism and benefiting all Negev residents, including the Bedouin community,”

Ben Gurion airport sees highest-ever traffic over holidays. A record 521 aircraft will land and depart from Israel’s Ben Gurion Airport on Sunday, transporting some 70,000 people. In total, 1.4 million passengers will travel through the airport during the holiday season, up to the end of the Sukkot holiday in October.

New 3D printer factory employs hundreds. Israel’s Stratasys has inaugurated its new plant in Kiryat Gat. The factory is described as the most advanced in the world for the manufacture of 3D printers. The new plant will have hundreds of employees, mainly from southern Israel and the inland coastal region.

The prickly pear farmer. The “sabra” (prickly pear in Hebrew) also gives its name to the native-born Israeli – prickly on the outside but soft inside. Noam Blum cultivates six species of sabra on his farm. He makes them into jams, chutney and smoothies. He plans to open a food factory to process 40,000 tons of the cactus fruit.

Lockheed Martin Israel. (Thanks to Nevet – Following the opening of its new Israeli office, US aerospace giant Lockheed Martin has formed a new subsidiary – Lockheed Martin Israel Ltd. It will focus on cybersecurity, enterprise information technology, data centers, mobile, analytics and cloud.

Boosting performance at Yahoo! Israel’s Mellanox has helped Yahoo! Japan improve its database performance tenfold. Yahoo!’s Hiromune Ozaki said, “Mellanox’s FDR InfiniBand solutions enable us to handle the growth in our data in the most efficient way and improve our capability to serve our users.”


This Weeks Sanity Report from Israel

Frutarom expands into S.America. Israeli foods and flavors giant Frutarom has bought Peru’s Montana Food which also includes its Chile operation.


Open House Jerusalem. Hundreds of unique Jerusalem sites were opened to the public as part of “Open House Jerusalem” week. They included free tours of apartments, hotels, synagogues, churches, hospitals, museums, excavation sites, tunnels, gardens and much more. Be sure to check out this event next year.

The Drawbox Project. On Oct 5th, British and Israeli children will be able to simultaneously create a virtual world of interactive artwork. Israel’s Design Museum in Holon links up with London’s Victoria and Albert Museum as part of the International Big Draw Festival running in 21 countries.

A year of good memories and new beginnings. This video gives a brief overview of some of the thoughtful films being produced by Jerusalem’s Maaleh School of Television, Film and the Arts.


Israeli gymnasts win world silver medal. Israel’s rhythmic gymnastics team won the silver medal in the clubs exercise at the World Championships in Izmir, Turkey – the country’s best showing ever in the sport.


Re-instating the pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Some 8,000 people will recreate an ancient tradition of the “Foot Festival” when they embark on a two-day march to Jerusalem over the upcoming Sukkot holiday. In Temple times, all Jews came to Jerusalem on Pesach (Passover), Shavuot (Pentacost) and Sukkot (Tabernacles).

A time of Repentance. Several events took place to raise the spiritual level of Jewish Israelis during the past days between Rosh Hashana (New Year) and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement). Jerusalem’s Beit Avi Chai hosted its annual Piyut Festival. Meanwhile inmates at Beer Sheva’s prison enjoyed a Selichot service performed by Ashdod’s Andalusian Orchestra – see IBA News video at 21 minutes.

This Weeks Sanity Report from Israel

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