Good News from Israel

This Weeks SANITY Report from Israel May 11th 2014

 SANITY Report from Israel

SANITY Report from Israel the highlights include: An Israeli laboratory has developed a blood test to detect cancer. An Israeli paramedic received the President’s award for saving Syrian lives. Award-winning Israeli video software detects criminals from the way they move. An Israeli-developed 3D printer produces parts for a blood-recycling machine. The TV show “Greys Anatomy” featured Israeli 3D holographic technology. Two remarkable stories of Israeli doctors saving the lives of critically injured civilians



 SANITY Report from Israel



Israeli lab develops blood test to detect cancer. Miami-based Eventus Diagnostics (EventusDx) has its Research & Development laboratories in Moshav Ora, near Jerusalem. They have developed blood tests to measure cancer-specific antibodies produced by the immune system in response to the growth of tumors.


US approval for Israeli loss of vision monitor. (Thanks to Israel21c) The US FDA has just approved ForeseeHome, developed by Israel’s Notal Vision, which allows patients suffering age-related macular degeneration (AMD) to monitor the progression of the condition in their own homes. It is vital to identify immediately when “dry” AMD changes to “wet” AMD at which point they can be treated.


CML patients can now be treated at home. The US FDA has just approved the home administration of Teva’s Synribo (omacetaxine mepesuccinate). Physicians who treat adults with chronic or accelerated phase Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) can now administer Synribo therapy in the patient’s own home.





New mums can build startups too. (Thanks to Israel21c) Israel has several networking groups for mothers with babies who want to start their own businesses. Organizations such as “WeDream”, “Yazamiyot” and “Google Moms” are helping women with babies learn the skills necessary to become entrepreneurs.


How to be a good human being. (Thanks to Nevet – Yemin Orde Youth Village in Israel’s Carmel forest is home to more than 500 at-risk immigrant youth from around the world.



Heart ops for over 3300 children. The Israeli organization Save A Child’s Heart has treated thousands of children from over 45 developing countries since it was founded in 1995. It also holds free weekly cardiology clinics for children from Gaza and the Palestinian Authority. Please watch its latest video.



President’s award for saving Syrians. IDF paramedic Noga Erez received The President’s Award for Excellence for her outstanding service for saving lives on the border with Syria. What other nation would give one of their highest honors to someone who saves the lives of people from an enemy country?


Syrian dissident: “Israel is our last hope”. Syrian dissident Kamal Al-Labwani gave an interview to the Israeli media in which he said, “People today have begun thinking outside the box, exploring two fundamental things: changing ourselves and seeking help.” He wants Israel to enforce a no-fly zone in Southern Syria.





Israel’s top nanotech company. Qlight Nanotech won the Best Nanotechnology Company of the Year Award at the NanoIsrael 2014 conference. Qlight uses semiconductor nanocrystals to make products for flat panel displays and efficient LED lighting. The technology reduces power consumption of TVs etc. by nearly half.


Re-charge your phone from a streetlamp. Thanks to landscaping company Pashut Yarok (Simply Green) Herzliya residents can re-charge the battery of their cell phone free-of –charge from one of seven solar-powered streetlamp charge spots at the city’s main junction. Each pillar has a USB socket and an automotive spark plug,


Israeli technology identifies criminals automatically. Israel’s Extreme Reality has developed video software that can interpret the movements of a person and detect anomalous behavior. Extreme Reality has just been selected as one of the Red Herring Top 100 Europe companies for 2014.


Catching out cyber-criminals. (Thanks to Israel21c) Israel’s BioCatch is a cyber security company with a difference. It has developed software that recognizes the hand to keyboard movements of genuine customers and alerts the on-line website owners when an unauthorized person tries to access a customer’s account.


Israeli water filter to help grow bigger fish. (Thanks to Israel21c) Israel’s BioFishency provides an affordable water filtration system for fish farmers that minimizes water usage and produces larger, healthier fish. A pilot site is to be set up in Jericho. The fish waste will be used as organic fertilizer for local date palms.


Wearable Israeli technology. Israel’s first Wearable Technology Conference takes place on 12th May in Tel Aviv. Speakers include Steve Mann, who is commonly known as the father of wearable computing. One of the highlights will be a half-hour session of rapid-fire pitches from 10 Israeli wearable computing start-ups.


IDF robot searched terrorist tunnels. iRobot, developed by Israel’s Ammunition Corps, has the ability to go through almost every terrain and is equipped with video cameras, encrypted wireless communication as well as lighting apparels. It was used in the recent discovery of terrorist tunnels reaching into Israel from Gaza.


Why airlines need Israel’s C-MUSIC. (Thanks to Nevet – One shoulder-held surface to air missile fired at an American aircraft could be devastating to the U.S. economy. C-MUSIC (Multi-Spectral Infrared Countermeasures) from Israel’s Elbit’s is the most advanced defense system against missiles.


Israeli 3D printer helps make blood-recycling machine. UK’s Brightwake used the Dimension 1200es 3D printer from Israeli-US company Stratasys to create models of the parts for its Hemosep machine. Hemosep recovers blood lost or spilled during open-heart surgeries and recycles it back into the patient.





GDP per capita hits new high. Israel’s gross domestic product for the fourth quarter of 2013 crossed the NIS 1 trillion mark ($302 billion) for the first time ever. The figure was over a third more than the previous high of $226 billion in Q4 2010. As a result, 2013’s GDP per capita also hit a record high – NIS 130,700 ($37,500).


Currency reserves at new record. At the end of April, Israel had the equivalent of over $86 billion in foreign exchange deposits – nearly 1 billion more than at the end of March. Israel’s National Reserve Fund due to the natural gas program now totals over $3 billion.


Israel cuts bureaucracy to help entrepreneurs. Economy minister Naftali Bennet has unveiled his new “Regulation Light” plan to promote more entrepreneurship in Israel. New businesses will get a five-year grace period on some regulatory activities in order to make it easier for them to develop and market their products.


R&D between Victoria and Israel. The Victorian Government of Australia will grant up to $250,000 for Victorian companies to work with Israeli companies on research and development in science, innovation and technology. The Israeli Government will offer Israeli companies soft loans of up to 50% of R&D expenses.





The perfect recipe for a great sunshine trip. Unusual for the UK’s Daily Mirror – a very positive article recommending Israel. Its mixture of ancient and modern; Tel Aviv’s trendy bars; 300 sunshine days; fine hotels; plus, “a brilliant country that embraces its past and also looks ahead to the future with a bright smile.”


Ester Rada: Israel’s (Ethiopian) rising star. A rare balanced BBC interview with popular singer Ester Rada – born in Israel of Ethiopian parents who (along with 8000 others) were airlifted to Israel from Sudan in 1984. During her IDF service, Ester sang in a military band, and toured the world. Her 2013 EP is “Life Happens”.


Backstreet Boys in Raanana. The best-selling boy-band in history, the Backstreet Boys, with sales of over 130 million records worldwide, are expected to give a concert at the Raanana amphitheatre, in July.


Greys Anatomy highlights Israeli technology. (Thanks to Israel21c) Viewers of the popular TV show Greys Anatomy saw actress Sandra Oh (who plays Dr Cristina Yang) encounter Israel’s RealView Imaging. In real life, RealView’s three-dimensional holography helps surgeons plan the steps of delicate, complex procedures.


Israeli sitcom sold again. The US Turner Broadcasting System cable network has purchased the rights to make a version of the Israeli situation comedy “Savri Maranan”. The pilot episode of the renamed “Your Family or Mine” will air at the start of 2015. The ABC network also bought the showin 2012 to make “Tribes”.





The heavens are shining. On Israel’s Independence Day, David Weinberg is optimistic about Israel’s future.


The generosity of our friends. Yael Eckstein of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews writes, “As we celebrate Israel’s Independence Day, it is critical to remember these people who speak loudly and bravely in unity with the Jewish people. Simply put, they are Israel’s greatest ally and friend.”

SANITY Report from Israel

How Israel remembers. On Holocaust Remembrance Day and on Yom Hazikaron, watch what happens to the traffic on Israel’s busiest roads when the siren sounds.



Learn sign language with Israeli stamps. (Thanks to Jacob Richman) The latest set of Israeli stamps includes individual images of the following words in the Israeli sign language: “Thanks”, “Goodbye”, “Kiss”, “Friendship” and “Love”.


An app to fight BDS. Rabbi Avi Schwartz, son of the legendary Palmah commander Mordechai Schwartz has launched a PR app to enable users to have the necessary knowledge and resources to protect the Jewish state.

Android version:

iPhone version:


66 great Israeli companies. On Israel’s 66th birthday, fellow blogger Naomi Goldberg lists 66 companies that make her proud to be Israeli. They include some that I hadn’t even heard of.


Ukranian mayor wakes up in Israel. Gennady Kernes, the Jewish mayor of Kharkiv who was shot and critically injured in the Ukraine unrest has regained consciousness in Haifa’s Rambam medical center. Kernes underwent two major operations in Israel to treat the damage to his lungs, stomach, liver and spine.,7340,L-4518060,00.html


Another medical miracle. Adi Huja needed 120 units of blood when she was wounded in the 2001 Sbarro terrorist bombing in Jerusalem. Professor Avi Rivkind of Hadassah hospital told Adi that not only will she fully recover, but that he’ll one day dance at her wedding. 13 years later, Adi danced with Professor Rivkind.


SANITY Report from Israel

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