Today an article appeared in the by Moshe Phillips a member of the Executive Committee of the Philadelphia Chapter of Americans for a safe Israel/AFSI opines on “True Face of “J” Street” He shares his insight on the players involved in “J” street and in particular the Rabbis.
“Researchers with the Philadelphia Chapter of Americans For A Safe Israel/AFSI initiated a study of the rabbis connected to J Street in order to understand just what the backgrounds of “former Jewish community leaders” involved in J Street are. What light can be shed on J Street’s agenda by examining its structure and organization?
Being Philadelphia based, AFSI researchers had prior familiarity with many of these players. A large number of J Street rabbis have played senior leadership roles in the Pennsylvania based Reconstructionist Rabbinical College and the locally headquartered network of Jewish Renewal organizations. A cadre of these individuals were also leaders of the now defunct Philadelphia chapter of New Jewish Agenda, which was specifically noted for its radical stance — even in that radical group.”
He continues to inform us that Brit Tzedek v’shalom rabbis were part of the founding of the New Jewish Agenda that included Rabbi Gerald Serotta, Arthur Waskow and Rabbi Everett Gendler to name a few that were also were involved with a group called Jewish Fast for Gaza .
Mr. Phillips goes on to say that, “It is well worth noting that many of these rabbis were first involved in an organization called Breira (meaning alternative) that was universally opposed by almost all sectors of the American Jewish community. I. L. Kenen the founder of AIPAC claimed that Breira “undermined U.S. support for Israel.”
The majority of Brit Tzedek v’Shalom/J Street rabbis hold radical views that go far past anything that even Breira advocated in its hay day.
“Half of the rabbis on J Street’s Advisory Council were members of Brit Tzedek v’Shalom’s Rabbinic Cabinet – before the merge.” He then reveals that,
“The Fast for Gaza group purpose is “To call upon Israel, the US, and the international community to engage in negotiations without pre-conditions with all relevant Palestinian parties – including Hamas – in order to end the blockade…”
He then lists the facts about all of these groups and the individuals involved in these so-called fringe organizations that appear to be more interested in support of the Palestinian cause, including Hamas then one would have believed.
Moshe Phillips is a member of the Executive Committee of the Philadelphia Chapter of Americans for a Safe Israel/AFSI. The chapter’s website is at: and Moshe’s blog can be found at
Here is the link to the rest of the article: