They, like the natives of the Americas, Australia and other places in the world were invaded, ravaged, expelled, exiled and otherwise dispossessed...
This is one of the most profound Dvar Torah (commentaries) written about forgiveness. We all should surely take the time to read...
Announcing: THE WINNERS OF The 3rd Annual Chelm Awards for the Year 2011 Thanks to Daniella Ashkenazy for her wonderful site and...
This is an amazing opportunity to ask any question you may have regarding Israel, IDF or any think else on your mind....
This is a re-post of the Adam Levick ,CIF Watch”s exclusive interview. We at israelseen consider him one of the champions in...
PARSHAT MIKEITZ by Yehuda HaKohen “Yosef recognized his brothers, but they did not recognize him.” (BEREISHIT 42:8) On this verse, the Gaon...
We enter a time when voices resound in the call for redemption. What that means and in what form it should or...
Enjoy these recent Chanukah Videos. httpv:// Buy this song on itunes: A Hanukkah song by The Ein Prat Fountainheads, from...
OneFamily provides direct financial, legal, and emotional assistance to victims of terrorism in Israel. Watch this short video for yourself. httpv://
The speech at the French Embassy reception was made by Daniel Jonas of Havruta. Havruta- Religious Homosexuals in Israel was founded by...
Produced by a group of university students, a series about four Israeli 20-somethings intends to show the true face of Israel. By...
PARSHAT VAYEISHEV by Yehuda HaKohen While the power of Redemption is personified by the Hebrew Nation’s potential to build a society that...
Near to Death but saved. Trading tears for smiles. Doctors treating terrorists. Paralyzed patients operate a computer and wheelchair. “Near to...
Adalah, an Israeli political advocacy NGO that receives significant funding from the European Union. At the same time, the organization employs an...
David Hartman. ‘God is pressuring me not to give up’ Photo: Alex Kolomoisky. This interview with Rabbi David Hartman recently appeared on...
A Hanukkah music videos about lighting candles, spreading the fire, learning Torah and celebrating the festival of Hanukkah.The latest Maccabeats video. ...
Hora Jerusalem Association is a non-profit organization, which is part of the Art Department of the Jerusalem Municipality, and under the auspices...
SPONSORED BY THE AMERICAN AND CANADIANS IN ISRAEL (AACI). BOULEVARDS OF TEL AVIV 15th December 2011 Meeting at 10.30am Corner Rothschild Boulevard...
This article was brought to my attention today and I feel compelled to give it as much as exposure possible since the...
By David Hazony. This is a difficult moment for American Jews. To wake up and discover, as did the Forward’s Gal Beckerman,...
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