Arshad Mehmood/Islamabad-A war of words has been ignited after Trump, lashed out against Pakistan Pakistan Foreign minister broke over POTUS tweet. Pakistan...
Jack Cohen – Is War Likely? Pres. Trump’s declaration of recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital has resulted in demonstrations throughout the...
DAVID HAZONY, ADAM SCOTT BELLOS: Zionism and the changing global structure re-post by permission. There is nothing weirder than the gap between...
Mel Alexenberg JerUSAlem-USA: There are 20 Jerusalems in USA The recognition by the United States of the 3,000-year reality that Jerusalem is...
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks on the status of Jerusalem I welcome today’s decision by the United States to recognise as the capital of...
HOWARD EPSTEIN: RUSSIA TO BE JÜDENREIN? BREAK OUT THE MATZAH! Sometimes it’s hard to know what to worry about first: US Democrat...
Israel Rescue Coalition & United Hatzalah Assist in Hardest Hit Areas of Florida Israel Rescue Coalition and United Hatzalah Team to Assist...
Steve Kramer – Second Rogue Nuclear Power in the Offing There is a tendency in international diplomacy to allow “bad actors” to...
Barry Shaw – Palestinian flags flying over Jewish day camps in America. Insanity! When a Jewish day camp in America flies the...
Victim of Tel Aviv Terror Attack Offers Words of Encouragement to Virginia Shooting Survivors by Ben Cohen for Algemeiner News Service A...
Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig – Memorial Daze I happened to be in the U.S. on Memorial Day weekend this year. On the radio...
The Natural Alliance Between Neo-cons, Libertarians, Neo-Liberals and Liberals Re-posted with permission by Daniel Azaria In this age, people refrain from adopting political...
Yoav Baram – Trumpocalypse now – A bleak peek into Trump’s budget proposal It’s not easy being an Israeli liberal these days...
Michael Laitman: A Farewell to US Politics Jewish Busines News On February 23, Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns of The New York...
HOWARD EPSTEIN: DON’T YOU JUST HATE THOSE I TOLD YOU SO-ERS? Well? Don’t you just hate people who say: “I told you...
HOWARD EPSTEIN: FIND THE LONG SPOONS. THE DEVIL IS IN THE DINING-ROOM In the UK recently, 1.75m people (about 3% of...
HOWARD EPSTEIN: FOUR MORE YEARS AND THEN…? Last week, I made a clarion call to Oren Yakobovich and Uri Fruchtmann, who empower...
Yoav Baram – Here they are, the dynamic duo of 2017 Beavis and Butthead, Ren and Stimpy, Pinky and the brain, Cheech and...
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks at The National Prayer Breakfast In February 2017, Rabbi Sacks delivered two keynote addresses as part of The National...
Yoav Baram – Welcome to the world’s biggest reality show “U.S President Donald Trump”. Whenever I hear or read these words my...
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