Herbert Pagani performed this outstanding speech about Zionism and Israel on a French TV show in 1976, after the...
Another Terrorist attack rocks Israel, this time in a Synagogue (Bet Knesset) in “West” Jerusalem. Daily incitement by Abbas and the...
Jack Cohen Bennett Greenspan is an expert on the subject of Jewish genealogy, having had geneaology as a hobby since he was...
Jonathan Sacks In 1966 an eleven-year-old black boy moved with his parents and family to a white neighbourhood in Washington.[1]...
This Weeks Sanity Report from Israel Thanks once again to our friend and colleague : Michael Ordman-Good News from...
The Optimistic Jew * CHAPTER 6 * The Future of Arab-Jewish Relations A robust policy must have clearly defined first...
jonathan sacks The conventional reading of this passage is that Abraham was being asked to show that his love...
Einat Wilf Thanks to CBN News She suggests Jews, not Muslims should decide if Jews should pray at the Temple...
The Optimistic Jew * CHAPTER 5 * Reevaluating Settlement Policy Nothing has done more damage to Zionism and the situation of...
This Weeks Sanity Report from Israel The highlights include: Israel’s Universal Flu Vaccine is granted international patents. The...
Barry Shaw The Balfour Declaration was to see its principles enshrined into international legitimacy at the 1922 League of Nations...
Jonathan Sacks Know that Abraham our father unintentionally committed a great sin by bringing his righteous wife to a...
The Optimistic Jew * CHAPTER 3 * Reinventing Zionism I am neither a classical Zionist nor a...
Since when does the US Administration send condolences to a criminal’s family? I know it happened in the Michael Brown case...
Thanks once again to our friend and colleague : Michael Ordman-Good News from Israel The highlights include: 20,000...
Caroline Glick, former IDF officer, former advisor to PM Netanyahu and currently Senior Contributing Editor of the Jerusalem Post, spoke at...
Jonathan Sacks The argument continues today among the neo-Darwinians. Some believe that natural selection and the struggle for survival make...
This was a regular feature on IsraelSeen by Dr. Yitzkak Hayut-Man. An innovator, futurist, visionary and Bible scholar. He is among...
Israel Since 2005, the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs has conducted opinion polls on the peace process, Israeli withdrawal to...
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