Story of the Jews. This epic five-part series presented by historian Simon Schama explores the story of...
The Story of the Jews. This epic five-part series presented by historian Simon Schama explores the story of the Jewish experience...
The Story of the Jews. This epic five-part series presented by historian Simon Schama explores the story of the Jewish experience...
Nation of Individuals. By Rabbi Jonathan Sacks. The book of Bamidbar begins with a census of the Israelites. That is why...
Always Reaching Higher Rabbi Lee Diamond, is based in Israel and began his unique rabbinate as an Israel Educator for the Diaspora....
We The People. By Rav. Jonathan Sacks. In Bechukotai, in the midst of one of the most...
By Jonathan Sacks Please take the time and read this weeks commentary. His insights transcend personal religious identity. Jonathan Sacks:...
Be Not Afraid of Greatness: By Rav Jonathan Sacks. Embedded in this week’s parsha are two of the most fundamental commands...
Followership By Rav. Jonathan Sacks. There is a fascinating sequence of commands in the great “holiness code” with which our parsha begins,...
Seasons of Love:Song of Songs, Book of Ruth, Ecclesiastes By Rav. Jonathan Sacks Seasons of Love Shir HaShirim...
Lessons about Jewish identity from the “wicked” son’s question. By Rabbi Jonathan Sacks. Lessons about Jewish identity from the “wicked”...
All three taken from the Jonathan Sacks Haggada. As Passover ( Pesach) approaches I thought it would nice to...
Sprints and Marathons By Rabbi Jonathan Sacks. It was a unique, unrepeatable moment of leadership at its highest height. For forty...
By Rabbi Jonathan Sacks. How To Praise. The sages were eloquent on the subject of lashon hara, evil speech, the sin...
The Price of Free Speech. By Rabbi Sacks Hannah Smith was a fourteen-year-old schoolgirl living in Lutterworth, Leicestershire. Bright and outgoing,...
By Rav. Jonathan Sacks, It should have been a day of joy. The Israelites had completed the mishkan, the sanctuary. For...
In this period after Purim and with Passover just around the corner we thought it appropriate to share this four...
By Illustration by Yoseph Savan based on The Zohar . Messianic Consciousness by Ariel Ben Avraham. We must understand Jewish prophecy...
By Rav. Jonathan Sacks. The great leaders know their own limits. They do not try to do it all themselves. They...
Sins of a leader- Leaders make mistakes. That is inevitable. So, strikingly, our parsha implies. The real issue is how he or...
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