By Yoram Getzler The following is written in a response to an acquaintance who writes on the need for America/Obama to pressure...
The time has come for this government to resign. It has shown its true colors once again. It is not interested in...
by Yoram Getzler Based on the Bedein Kushner formula from the Jerusalem Post 1) Renunciation of the PLO state of war with...
By Yoram Getzler, The most basic truth that can be expressed in an investigation of any war, including the war in Gaza...
There is no sticking point about the settlements. It is a bogus issue and both the Palestinians and Israelis living here know...
A great piece by Michael Ledeen that really gets to the core of the matter regarding Iran and it’s internal troubles. Here... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS | MoreSteve Ornstein and Yoram Getzler discuss the implications of the recent prisoner exchange...
This week almost 100 Qassam and Grad rockets were fired at Israeli towns killing a student and leaving four young children fatherless....
So-called experts in various fields claim that this war in which Israel saved itself from annihilation is somehow our undoing. Spin and...
JPost/Jerusalem Report/Haaretz: Article, Settlements: (762) WE MUST MOBILIZE AND SACRIFICE FOR SURVIVAL! A local journalist warns us The clouds of the coming...
As I watch and listen to media outlets around the world the only conclusion once again is that the facts and the...
I no longer can be silent about the hypocrisy of France, Russia and other countries that have a blatant double standard when...
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