Sabine Sterk – If the haters only could see
Israel, country of the sun, of the blooming desert, the joyful people, the melting pot of all cultures and religions. Whenever I set foot on her soil, I instantly become happy, when I leave her the sadness enters my soul and tears keep running.
I walk in her streets and her magnificent nature and always wonder how on earth it is possible that one hate her people so much that they are prepared to destroy everything they can destroy.
In Tel Aviv I slept in the Crown Sea hostel, a fantastic place close to the beautiful beach of this vibrating city.
Crown Sea Hostel Tel Aviv
In this hostel I met people from numerous countries, most of them were for the very first time in the land of milk and honey. I met the hardworking owners, and I met the Arabic (!!)man that is the real estate owner of a big part of this district of Tel Aviv. His name is Abu Lafia, a friendly man that also owns the famous bakery in Yaffo. When a Russian guest of the hostel and me paid this bakery a visit we immediately got free bread and drinks from him; he is always prepared to say a friendly word when you see him at his daily visit to the owners and friends of the Hostel ( Dudi & Barak). This friendly, both feet on the earth man, is a multi-millionaire and an Arabic one. Jews and Arabs were living together in peace and harmony. The “Israel is an Apartheid state” fairytale can never stand under these circumstances. If the haters only could see.
In the hostel, I asked, curious as I am, to several people from several countries that were for the first time in Israel, what their opinion about Israel was before their visit and what is their opinion now. Most of them were rather neutral in their opinion and were especially warned by family about the dangerous situation in Israel. One person an American Jewish left-wing male from Texas was not Pro Israel at all; he chooses to hide the target of his journey “Israel.” I was shocked and started to tell him about the real situation of Israel, Gaza, Judea, and Samaria aka “Westbank” He told honestly that he loved the city Tel Aviv and was astonished about the variety of people, Jew, Muslim, Christian, Secular, black, white, yellow… and the, for him, shocking reality entered his consciousness. The situation in Israel and the reality of the “conflict in the middle east” were totally different. So totally different then what the Media is reporting on a daily basis. After talking for about one hour, tears were floating from his eyes, and he realized with horror that he always supported the wrong side. He happily became a member of “Time To Stand Up For Israel,” and I hope he will spread the word of truth for Israel.
Later that night, when I walked at the boulevard of Tel Aviv it became clear for me, there is a way to reach the ignorant or Israel hating people, we can achieve an everlasting understanding and love for Israel. It will cost billions of Dollars; the (very) rich Israel loving people could help. Arrange trips to Israel for them that has no idea, but are willing to learn. Travel with them around Israel, show them the real life, the positive side of this amazing country and see with your own eyes how their opinion will change forever. I would be glad to be the tour guide, this should be a journey about the truth, not religious, not political, but based on the reality of the daily life, when we could arrange something like this, the world would change and will be a better place for mankind in general and Jews especially.
My love for Israel is everlasting