Rabbi Itzchak Evan-Shayish

Rav. Sacks z”l Beginning the Journey & Rav Kook z”l Becoming Heroes of Kindness

Rav. Sacks z”l Beginning the Journey & Rav Kook z”l Becoming Heroes of Kindness


Rabbi Jonathan Sacks z”l


Jonathan Sacks z”l – Beginning the Journey Chayei Sarah 5781

Rabbi Sacks z’’l had prepared a full year of Covenant & Conversation for 5781, based on his book Lessons in Leadership. The Office of Rabbi Sacks will carry on distributing these essays each week, so people from all over the world can continue to learn and be inspired by his Torah.
A while back, a British newspaper, The Times, interviewed a prominent member of the Jewish community and a member of the House of Lords – let’s call him Lord X – on his 92nd birthday. The interviewer said, “Most people, when they reach their 92nd birthday, start thinking about slowing down. You seem to be speeding up. Why is that?”

Lord X’s reply was this: “When you get to 92, you see the door starting to close, and I have so much to do before the door closes that the older I get, the harder I have to work.”

We get a similar impression of Abraham in this week’s parsha. Sarah, his constant companion throughout their journeys, has died. He is 137 years old. We see him mourn Sarah’s death, and then he moves into action. He engages in an elaborate negotiation to buy a plot of land in which to bury her. As the narrative makes clear, this is not a simple task. He confesses to the local people, Hittites, that he is “an immigrant and a resident among you” (Gen. 23:4), meaning that he knows he has no right to buy land. It will take a special concession on their part for him to do so. The Hittites politely but firmly try to discourage him. He has no need to buy a burial plot: “No one among us will deny you his burial site to bury your dead.” (Gen. 23:6) He can bury Sarah in someone else’s graveyard. Equally politely but no less insistently, Abraham makes it clear that he is determined to buy land. In the end, he pays a highly inflated price (400 silver shekels) to do so.

The purchase of the Cave of Machpelah is evidently a highly significant event, because it is recorded in great detail and highly legal terminology, not just here, but three times subsequently in Genesis (here in 23:17 and subsequently in 25:9; 49:30; and 50:13), each time with the same formality. Here, for instance, is Jacob on his deathbed, speaking to his sons:

“Bury me with my fathers in the cave in the field of Ephron the Hittite, the cave in the field of Machpelah, near Mamre in Canaan, which Abraham bought along with the field as a burial place from Ephron the Hittite. There Abraham and his wife Sarah were buried, there Isaac and his wife Rebecca were buried, and there I buried Leah. The field and the cave in it were bought from the Hittites.” (Gen. 49:29-32)

Something significant is being hinted at here, otherwise why specify, each time, exactly where the field is and who Abraham bought it from?

Immediately after the story of land purchase, we read, “Abraham was old, well advanced in years, and God had blessed Abraham with everything.” (Gen. 24:1) Again this sounds like the end of a life, not a preface to a new course of action, and again our expectation is confounded. Abraham launches into a new initiative, this time to find a suitable wife for his son Isaac, who at this point is at least 37 years old. Abraham instructs his most trusted servant to go “to my native land, to my birthplace” (Gen. 24:2), to find the appropriate woman. He wants Isaac to have a wife who will share his faith and way of life. Abraham does not stipulate that she should come from his own family, but this seems to be an assumption hovering in the background.

As with the purchase of the field, this course of events is described in more detail than almost anywhere else in the Torah. Every conversational exchange is recorded. The contrast with the story of the Binding of Isaac could not be greater. There, almost everything – Abraham’s thoughts, Isaac’s feelings – is left unsaid. Here, everything is said. Again, the literary style calls our attention to the significance of what is happening, without telling us precisely what it is.

The explanation is simple and unexpected. Throughout the story of Abraham and Sarah, God promises them two things: children and a land. The promise of the land (“Rise, walk in the land throughout its length and breadth, for I will give it to you,” Gen. 13:17) is repeated no less than seven times. The promise of children occurs four times. Abraham’s descendants will be “a great nation” (Gen. 12:22), as many as “the dust of the earth” (Gen. 13.16), and “the stars in the sky” (Gen. 15:5); he will be the father not of one nation but of many (Gen. 17:5).

Despite this, when Sarah dies, Abraham has not a single inch of land that he can call his own, and he has only one child who will continue the covenant, Isaac, who is currently unmarried. Neither promise has been fulfilled. Hence the extraordinary detail of the two main stories in Chayei Sarah: the purchase of land and the finding of a wife for Isaac. There is a moral here, and the Torah slows down the speed of the narrative as it speeds up the action, so that we will not miss the point.

God promises, but we have to act. God promised Abraham the land, but he had to buy the first field. God promised Abraham many descendants, but Abraham had to ensure that his son was married, and to a woman who would share the life of the covenant, so that Abraham would have, as we say today, “Jewish grandchildren.”

Despite all the promises, God does not and will not do it alone. By the very act of self-limitation (tzimtzum) through which He creates the space for human freedom, God gives us responsibility, and only by exercising it do we reach our full stature as human beings. God saved Noah from the Flood, but Noah had to make the Ark. He gave the land of Israel to the people of Israel, but they had to fight the battles. God gives us the strength to act, but we have to do the deed. What changes the world, what fulfils our destiny, is not what God does for us but what we do for God.

That is what leaders understand, and it is what made Abraham the first Jewish leader. Leaders take responsibility for creating the conditions through which God’s purposes can be fulfilled. They are not passive but active – even in old age, like Abraham in this week’s parsha. Indeed in the chapter immediately following the story of finding a wife for Isaac, to our surprise, we read that Abraham remarries and has eight more children. Whatever else this tells us – and there are many interpretations (the most likely being that it explains how Abraham became “the father of many nations”) – it certainly conveys the point that Abraham stayed young the way Moses stayed young, “His eyes were undimmed and his natural energy unabated” (Deut. 34:7). Though action takes energy, it gives us energy. The contrast between Noah in old age and Abraham in old age could not be greater.

Perhaps, though, the most important point of this parsha is that large promises – a land, countless children – become real through small beginnings. Leaders begin with an envisioned future, but they also know that there is a long journey between here and there; we can only reach it one act at a time, one day at a time. There is no miraculous shortcut – and if there were, it would not help. The use of a shortcut would culminate in an achievement like Jonah’s gourd, which grew overnight, then died overnight. Abraham acquired only a single field and had just one son who would continue the covenant. Yet he did not complain, and he died serene and satisfied. Because he had begun. Because he had left future generations something on which to build. All great change is the work of more than one generation, and none of us will live to see the full fruit of our endeavours.

Leaders see the destination, begin the journey, and leave behind them those who will continue it. That is enough to endow a life with immortality.


“וְאַבְרָהָ֣ם זָקֵ֔ן בָּ֖א בַּיָּמִ֑ים וַֽה’ בֵּרַ֥ךְ אֶת־אַבְרָהָ֖ם בַּכֹּֽל- Avraham was now old, advanced in years, and YHVH blessed Avraham with everything.” (Breishit 24:1)

Chayei Sarah begins with the passing of Sarah Imenu and documents the transition from the generation of Avraham and Sarah to Yitzchak and Rivkah.

Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook ZT’L explains the unique nature of each generation and their relationship with each other.

In 1916 in Switzerland Rav Kook wrote: “The kindness of Avraham extends to everyone in the world…The Holy One therefore brought forth the priesthood from Avraham – ‘You are a priest forever.(Tehillim 110:4)’ (Notebook 7:166)

And therefore: “The righteous of the world in every generation must cleave to the qualities of Avraham so that their kindness will extend to all. They find the good in every situation ‘and the Torah of kindness is upon their lips(based on Mishlei 1:26)’” (Notebook 1:444)

The teachings of Kabbalah explain that Avraham and Sarah epitomized Chesed/Kindness- their tent was open on all four sides reaching out to everyone who came by.

Yitzchak and Rivka represented Gevurah/Strength. How so?

Rav Kook explains: “It is necessary to drive out, to remove and abolish with full force and strength- everything that prevents the light of great kindness from appearing in the world upon all the deeds, all the creatures, all the forms, all the worlds.

The might of this great kindness shines splendidly through the higher strength, the gevura/strength of Yitzchak. This strength is filled with an elevated chesed/kindness…which desires to spread and strengthen.” (Notebook 6:163)

Rivka’s first and defining actions in this parsha is to actively respond to Avraham servant Eliezer’s request for water by quickly giving him water and then running to the well to bring more water for his camels.

Rav Kook explains that her decisive actions displayed active strength: “Rivkah…manifested actual kindness in the framework of practical strength.” (Ibid)

And thus Yitzchak and Rivkah provide “a fitting blend of idealistic strength [Yitzchak] and practical strength [Rivkah].

Inside of them the light of the elevated kindness shines with all its powerful splendor. This will allow the house of Israel to fully prepare the world…” (Ibid)

What can we learn from this?

We are required to be very strong to ensure that kindness is the dominating force in our lives. We must be willing to act powerfully against anything that is preventing kindness. We can not let forces of selfishness and cruelty determine human reality.

In ‘Midot HaRayah’Rav Kook’s masterwork on the moral principles he emphasizes that: “it is the destiny of Israel to serve toward the perfection of all things. This must be expressed in practical action, by pursuing the welfare of all…seeking their advancement…

It is because of this perspective on life that we are concerned for the fullest progress to prevail in the world, for the ascent of justice, merged with beauty and vitality, for the perfection of all creation, commencing with humankind…

Though our love for humanity must be all-inclusive, embracing the wicked as well, this in no way blunts our hatred for evil itself; on the contrary it strengthens it. For it is not because of the dimension of evil clinging to a person that we must include them in our love, but because of the good in them, which our love tells us is to be found everywhere.

And since we detach the dimension of the good to love them for it, our hatred for evil becomes unblunted and absolute…Thus we can reach a state where the world is judged by ‘righteousness and nations by equity’ (Ps. 98:9)” (Midot HaRayah: Love)

For tikun olam/world repair to actually occur, the forces of evil and selfishness must be disempowered. We must become gibborei chesed -powerfully heroic forces to ensure that kindness rules the world.

And then we will truly be the children of Avraham and Sara and Rivka and Itzchak.

Bimhera Be’Yamenu-Quickly In Our Days.


Prepared by Rabbi Itzchak Evan-Shayish, [email protected] , www.haorot.com .

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