Palestinian Refugees: An ongoing human rights scandal. Join the call for an end to the Palestinian refugee crisis. A betrayal artificially created by Middle Eastern governments for over 60 years.
Palestinian Refugees in Syria: an in depth analysis of the rights (or lack of rights) of Palestinian refugees in Syria:
Amnesty Visits Palestinian Refugees in Syria: Amnesty International Australia’s Refugee
Coordinator Dr Graham Thom talks about his upcoming visit to Palestinian refugee camps on the Iraq-Syria border.
Living conditions among Palestinian refugees in Syria: This project documents the living conditions of Palestinian refugees residing in the refugee camps and “gatherings” in
Syria and Palestinian Immigration: Syria should immediately reopen its border to Iraqi Palestinian refugees fleeing deadly attacks against their community, Human Rights Watch said today. Palestinian refugees in Iraq have increasingly become targets of violence and persecution, with abductions of scores of Palestinian men in the past week.
Palestinian Refugees in Jordan: an in depth analysis of the rights (or lack of rights) of
Palestinian refugees in Jordan:
Jordan and Palestinian Immigration: Jordan should immediately reopen its border to
Palestinian refugees fleeing violence in Iraq, Human Rights Watch said today.
Living conditions among Palestinian refugees in Jordan: This project documents the living conditions of Palestinian refugees residing in the refugee camps and “gatherings” in Jordan.
Restrictions on Palestinians in Lebanon: Members of Lebanon’s parliament should vote to end restrictions on Palestinian refugees’ rights to own property and work, Human Rights Watch said today.
Arbitrary Detentions and Abuse of Palestinians in Lebanon: The Lebanese army and internal security forces have arbitrarily detained and physically abused some Palestinian men fleeing the fighting in Nahr al-Bared refugee camp, Human Rights Watch said today.
A protracted conflict: Palestinians and their right to work in Lebanon: Elizabeth Hebert is a recent graduate in Conflict and Dispute Resolution Master’s program from the University of Oregon. She also received her B.A. from the University of Oregon in Political Science. She studied Arabic and lived in Amman, Jordan and Beirut, Lebanon in 2008 and 2011 respectively. This piece is an excerpt of her Master’s thesis.
Nowhere to Flee: This 42-page report documents the drastic deterioration in the security of the estimated 34,000 Palestinian refugees in Iraq since the fall of Baghdad in April 2003. Since then, militant groups have targeted Iraqi Palestinians for violence and have evicted them from their homes, largely because of the benefits these refugees received from Saddam Hussein’s government and their perceived support for the insurgency.
Death Threats to Palestinians: Shi’a armed groups have threatened to kill Palestinian refugees
living in Baghdad if they do not leave Iraq within 72 hours, Human Rights Watch said today.
General Articles:
Video about Palestinians in the Arab World: There are hundreds of thousands of Palestinians living in Limbo in the Arab world.
The Palestinian Refugee Issue: Rhetoric vs. Reality by Sidney Zabludoff: The sixty-year-old Palestinian refugee issue has little connection with reality. It has become solely a bargaining chip used by Arab
Leaders. D=111&FID=253&PID=0&IID=2196
Amnesty visits refugee camps on the Syria-Iraq border: Amnesty International Australia was recently part of an eight country delegation of NGO’s that visited Palestinian refugee camps on the Syria-Iraq border.
Legal Aspects of the Palestinian Refugee Question: A Legal Analysis of the causes and consequences of the Palestinian Refugee Question: