Even when surgical tumor removal is combined with a heavy dose of chemotherapy or radiation, there’s no guarantee that the cancer will...
A new cheaper method for producing drinking water from sea water has been unveiled in Israel. IDE Technologies’ transportable desalination system uses...
This is one of the most profound Dvar Torah (commentaries) written about forgiveness. We all should surely take the time to read...
An old Russian proverb says: “When the cannons roar, the muses stay silent.” This proverb might be true for the Russia, but...
Announcing: THE WINNERS OF The 3rd Annual Chelm Awards for the Year 2011 Thanks to Daniella Ashkenazy for her wonderful site and...
This is an amazing opportunity to ask any question you may have regarding Israel, IDF or any think else on your mind....
“The Israel Antiquities Authority unveiled a rare ancient seal that underscores the bond of the Jewish people to Jerusalem. The tiny seal,...
This is a re-post of the Adam Levick ,CIF Watch”s exclusive interview. We at israelseen consider him one of the champions in...
by Dr. Yitzhaq Hayut-Man. The Parasha is called MiQeZ מקץ, namely “at the End” or rather “from the End” and reflects on...
By David Hazony How to make sense of Joseph? http://www.jewishideasdaily.com/content/detail/continue-reading-josephs-torture This week we learn of his nearly pathological efforts to ensnare, baffle,...
PARSHAT MIKEITZ by Yehuda HaKohen “Yosef recognized his brothers, but they did not recognize him.” (BEREISHIT 42:8) On this verse, the Gaon...
We enter a time when voices resound in the call for redemption. What that means and in what form it should or...
Walking one evening on Dizengoff Street in Tel Aviv I noticed a series of plastic bottle sculptures on the side of the...
Enjoy these recent Chanukah Videos. httpv://youtu.be/Jzh-TKzXN2k Buy this song on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/light-up-the-night/id489421512 A Hanukkah song by The Ein Prat Fountainheads, from...
Every Hannukah, Israelis stop counting calories long enough to buy about 24 million mouth-watering, sweet and gooey, deep-fried sufganiyot. An estimated...
OneFamily provides direct financial, legal, and emotional assistance to victims of terrorism in Israel. Watch this short video for yourself. httpv://youtu.be/lQdW_J3bUrM
Here are some pictures from Tel Aviv Port to keep it light today. ...
The speech at the French Embassy reception was made by Daniel Jonas of Havruta. Havruta- Religious Homosexuals in Israel was founded by...
We are pleased to announce a new blog on the Israeli economy and the Shekel by Daniel Engelsman, Co-Founder and Head of...
Produced by a group of university students, a series about four Israeli 20-somethings intends to show the true face of Israel. By...
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