

By Yoram Getzler – Co-host of Israelseen

“As you ramble on through life, brother, what ever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut and not upon the hole.”

This was the profound wisdom offered the patrons of the donut coffee shop my mother took me to as a reward when she dragged me along her shopping trips downtown. (I was compensated with a chocolate eclair)

Yesterday, Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu had that very choice. To react positively to Obama’s statement which in effect supported several of the PM’s basic positions. At least two of those policies and ideas that Mr. Netanyahu has been declaiming as critical, since taking office.

True, the statements focusing on the 1967 border are impractical and dangerous for us. But as it turned out it was Israel who insisted on that being the focus of the speech.

How much more wise would it have been for Netanyahu to issue a statement congratulating Obama for his two statements identifying Israel as the state of the Jewish people. A concept Netanyahu himself has proclaimed to be a basis for any agreement with the Palestinians.

And how about the clear statement rejecting the unilateral Palestinian September UN ploy? Was that not worthy of a smile and few positive words?

Does our prime minister have any understanding of how to “win friends and influence people” (outside of the Likun)? So I believe we should reconsider Netanyahu’s choice of focus in light of his true commitment to remaining popular among his fellow Likud party members as well as his over the top right wing coalition partners.

This does not bode well for our relations with the only strong, supportive friend we have in the world, outside of the Marshall Islands that is.

While President Obama gave us several reasons to pause in our relentless and justified concerns for our future, Mr. Netanyahu snatched it away before we could become spoiled into thinking that we had a friend in high places.

True, Obama’s speech was not “perfect”, for a someone seeking Likud approval. Yes, there is almost always something objectionable in the perceptions of other of us. We are not an easy read. OK, but for an imperfect speech there were some really significant points of agreement that could have been encouraged and made the focus of our response!

This is not only irresponsible and dangerous, but totally stupid as well.

And for stupidity there is little appeal.


As far as this government is concerned we are in the relentless pursuit of disagreements as a display of our strength and commitment. It is like we are terrified of the possibility of someone agreeing with us, of supporting our positions. Of removing our isolation. Apparently for profoundly pragmatic reasons we adopt the powerful winning; “all or nothing” policy point of view style that proved itself so effective and successful over the years for the Arabs of Mandatory Palestine. You are either 200% in agreement with us on all issues, or you are our enemies.

After all the choice is ours of what to emphasize, what of the many words and ideas expressed we choose to draw attention too.

Once again Netanyahu has succeeded in snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. The point of emphasis that we should be making is President Obama’s use twice of the phrase “Jew state” as well as the public expression of the full mantra, “Two states… for Two people”. These are the true points of importance. These are the positions that Netanyahu himself has justly been declaring are critical. Now this I where we can legitimately point to the Arabs and say, “It is they who continue to refuse and reject the UN resolutions, which specificity refer too: “Two states, for Two people”.

For the crux, the essence, the simple and direct reason for the refugees, the “occupation”, the wars and misery is the refusal, for more than sixty years of the Palestinian/Arab/Muslim world to accept those three short words, “for two people”.

Everything else is commentary.


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