By EMERSON VERMAAT – It was a fairly unique conference in the German city of Cologne on May 29. A highly interesting topic was being discussed: “Dimensions of Anti-Semitism in a Society of Immigrants.” The focus was largely on Muslim immigrants in Europe, notably in Germany, France and Britain. Within that Muslim immigrant community anti-Jewish sentiments are still fairly common. Anti-Semitism has been exported by these immigrants from their home countries to Europe.
Anti-Semitism is deeply rooted in Muslim countries such as Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Even Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad has recently been accused of being “a Jew” by a number of his opponents, although the same Assad is a staunch enemy of both the Jews and Israel.
Most Muslim immigrants in Europe live in the big cities. In Germany’s capital of Berlin, for example, the bulk of the immigrant population consists of Turks and Palestinians most of whom live in the Berlin quarters of Kreuzberg and Neuköln. The worrying increase of anti-Semititic incidents in Kreuzberg led to a new local inititiave, the “Keuzberg Initiative Against Anti-Semitism” (“Keuzberger Initiative gegen Antisemitismus” or KIGA), founded in 2004. Anti-Semitism in Germany is traditionally linked to the Nazis, neo-Nazi groups and the extreme right. But now the focus is on Muslim immigrants some of whom even align themselves with the extreme right.
One of the speakers at the recent Cologne conference was Mehmet Can. He said that KIGA is keeping track of articles published by Islamist newspapers. Thus, the Turkey’s daily “Vakit” wrote that the Jews are a cursed people. (They also frequently attacked Christians.)
KIGA also recently sponsored a trip of Kreuzberg youths to Israel and the Westbank. Mr. Can showed an interesting documentary film about the trip. Most of those teen-agers were second-generation Palestinian immigrants who strongly sympathized with the Palestinian cause, some of them probably even sided with Hamas and Hezbollah. They showed little understanding for the Jews and Israel. But the attitude of some of these youths began to change during their visit to Israel. They met Muslims in Israel with Israeli passports who told them that they fully accepted the Israeli state. They met Turkish Jews with both Israeli and Turkish passports. Other Arab Israelis told them: “I am an Israeli and want to stay here. I don’t want to go to the Palestinian territories.” They also discovered that the myth of “the rich capitalistic Jew” was not true: In Tel Aviv they met poor Israeli Jews. They further discovered that Christians, Jews and Muslims can very well live together in harmony with each other. At the Wailing Wall some of the Berlin Muslim youths even showed respect for the Jewish tradition by wearing a kippa. vThey also met an Auschwitz survivor – a Jewish lady from Eastern Europe. Her story made a deep impression on them. Many Muslim youths and neo-Nazis in Berlin and other European cities believe that the Holocaust or Shoah is “a Jewish myth” to justify the existence of Israel. “Her story made me sad,” one of the teen-agers from Berlin-Kreuzberg said.
The case of Dieter Tamm, a Jew from Berlin who fled to Israel
Such visits to Israel are long overdue. Especially in Berlin where German Jews are sometimes forced to leave Germany and emigrate to Israel. One of them was Dieter Tamm. Christian Brühl told Tamm’s story at the Cologne conference on anti-Semitism in a society of immigrants. Tamm was born in Berlin in 1943 and survived the Holocaust due to the fact that others hid him from the Nazis. All his relatives died in Nazi concentration camps. Nevertherless, he stayed in Germany after the War and grew up in West-Berlin. He believed Jews could still live in Germany – even after the Holocaust. And he preferred not to go to Israel to accept Israeli citizenship. He felt quite at home in Berlin, the city where he was born during World War Two. He even spoke the local dialect. Indeed, he was real “Berliner.” But after the 1970s Berlin began to change. It became a typical “multicultural city.”
It was not a big problem for Dieter Tamm to run a kosher deli, but he ran into serious trouble after he decided to display the Israeli flag. Initially, he naively assumed that no one in Berlin’s tolerant and multicultural city would take offense. After all, if an Italian or Turkish restaurant owner would display the Italian or Turkish flag he would not get a really hostile reaction. Stones would not be thrown through his window, Muslim youths would not intimidate customers or urinate against the window.
“The Jews want to destroy the Arab people,” Tamm was told by aggressive Muslim immigrants. More and more customers decided not to buy kosher food from him anymore. The small deli had become a unwelcome place for them, with neo-Nazis and Arab youngsters denouncing them as “Jewish swines” (“Judenschweine”). After 60 years – in 2003 – Tamm decided to leave Germany. He emigrated to Israel where he now calls himself “Arieh.” His former neighbors in Berlin were happy that their “Jewish troublemaker” had finally gone. Displaying the Israeli flag was, in their view, “a provocation.” Dieter or Arieh Tamm is not a rich man. It was quite a hard decision for him to move to another country at the age of 60 and build a new existence there.
Meanwhile, militant Muslims linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah and the Tukish “Milli Görüs” movement are gaining ground in Berlin and other big cities. There are also a growing number of Muslim converts, mostly native German women who are married to Muslims. Some male converts even joined Al-Qaeda. The German domestic security service or “Verfassungsschutz” estimates that there were more than 36,000 Muslim extremists or so-called “Islamists” in Germany in 2009. Their number was still about 33,000 in 2007. Especially since Al-Qaeda’s 9/11 attacks on America, militant Muslim demonstrators in Germany and other European countries did not conceil their hatred of America, Israel and the Jews. There were two pro-Palestinan demonstrations in Berlin in 2002. It was there and then that Arab demonstrators glorified Palestinian suicide bombers and lashed out against the Jews. Even three children were dressed as suicide bombers. Israeli flags were set on fire, the British embassy was attacked and Palestinian youths shouted: “We don’t want Jewish swines!” and “Sieg Heil” (typical Nazi salute).
In March 2008, on the occasion of the so-called “Al-Quds Day,” Hamas and Hezbollah followers took to the streets of Berlin shouting: “Kill the Jews!” “The bloodsucker Israel must be destroyed!” They nearly succeeded in attacking the Jewish community center.
Synagogues and the Jewish community center in Berlin are heavily guarded by the police –, as I recently noticed myself. You cannot just enter them – and rightly so. But isn’t it very strange that nearly seventy years after the bitter lessons of the Holocaust Germany’s Jews still need protection against those who seek to kill and exterminate them? These militant Muslims are the Nazis of today.
Multicultural Sweden: rapidly rising anti-Semitism
Tolerant Sweden has always provided a safehaven to refugees from a variety of countries. During World War II most Jews from Nazi occupied Denmark fled to Sweden. (I befriended one of them in the 1980s.) But there are now growing concerns about widespread abuse of the still rather liberal Swedish immigration and asylum policies. Today, Sweden is even a target of Somali terrorist recruiters who recruit young Somali males for the jihad, in cities such as Göteborg and Malmö. According to European Union statistical data the Swedish Muslim population has grown from 1,000 in 1970 to 400,000 in 2006. Some Muslims are now even selling T-shirts displaying the following inscription: “By 2030 we’ll take over the country.” There are 50,000 Muslims in the city of Malmö alone, about one-fifth of the total city population. Many of these Muslims are former asylum seekers from Iraq, Somalia, Iran, “Palestine”, Bosnia and Somalia.
Just like in Germany, anti-Semitic attacks in Sweden increased sharply after 2000. In a notable essay on “Arab and Muslim Anti-Semitism in Sweden” Swedish historian Mikael Tossavainen decribes how Arab and Muslim youths harass people they identify as Jewish: “For instance, three men identified as Arabs walked by the Great Synagogue in Stockholm on the eve of Rosh Hashana, 2002, and shouted, ‘I’ll kill you, Zionists!’ A young man was attacked on his way home from the synagogue in Malmö by a group of Arab youths on Yom Kippur, 2004. In a slightly different incident in 2002, a Muslim taxi driver refused to drive elderly women to the synagogue in Stockholm and forced them out of his car when he identified them as Jewish.”
“The largest anti-Semitic incident took place in Stockholm on 18 April 2002, when a rally against anti-Semitism and Islamophobia organized by the Liberal Youth Movement was stormed. Some sixty individuals, mostly of Middle Eastern background, physically attacked participants, destroyed signs and shouted epithets like “Jewish swine!” and “Allahu Akbar! Many of those in the rally, including some Holocaust survivors, suffered injury and shock before the police intervened after fifteen to twenty minutes. Similar attacks have taken place in Malmö and Göteborg.”
On March 7, 2010, Muslim demonstrators in Malmö, Sweden’s third-largest city, chanted the following anti-Semitic slogan: “Khaybar! Khaybar ya Yahood!” “Khaybar ya Yahood” is the start of an anti-Jewish chant that translates as: “Khaybar, Khaybar, o Jews, the army of Mohammed (Muhammad) will return!” It was at Khaybar, a rich oasis in today’s Saudi Arabia, in 629 that the Muslim prophet Mohammed attacked and conquered the Jews (“Yahood” means “Jew”). Not only did Mohammed force the Jews to surrender to him, also did he take “a beautiful girl of seventeen named Safiyya” for himself “after killing her husband for conceiling his goods,” writes Mohammed biographer Maxine Rodinson.
The Israeli newspaper “Ha’aretz” reported in July 2010 that Jews reluctantly abondon the Swedish city of Malmö amid growing anti-Semitism. One of those who left Malmö was Marcus Ellenberg: “At some point, the shouts of ‘Heil Hitler’ that often greeted Marcus Ellenberg as he walked to the 107-year-old Moorish-style synagogue in this port city forced the 32-year old attorney to make a difficult, life-changing decision: Fearing for his family’s safety after repeated anti-Semitic incidents, Ellenberg reluctantly uprooted himself and his wife and two children, and moved to Israel in May.” “I didn’t want my small children to grow up in this environment,” Ellenberg told Ha’aretz just before leaving Malmö. Ellenberg’s paternal grandparents were Holocaust survivors who found shelter in Malmö in 1945. Young attorney Ellenberg was not the only Jew who is deeply worried about rising anti-Semitism in Sweden.
Ha’aretz describes the dramatic case of Judith Popinsky, a 86-year old Jewish refugee and Holocaust survivor from Poland who found refuge in Malmö in 1945. “Until recently, she told her story in Malmö schools as part of their Holocaust studies program. Now, some schools no longer ask Holocaust survivors to tell their stories, because Muslim students treat them with disrespect, either ignoring the speakers or walking out of the class. ‘Malmö reminds me of the anti-Semitism I felt in Poland before the war,’ she told the Forward while sitting in her living room, which is adorned with Persian rugs and many paintings.’ ‘I am not safe as a Jew in Sweden anymore,’ a trembling Popinsky said in a frail voice.”
Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld, a Dutch Jew living in Israel and currently Chairman of the Board of Fellows of the “Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs” (JPCA), writes in the liberal Dutch newspaper “De Volkskrant” that Malmö is now often referred to as “the capital of today’s West European anti-Semitism.” The Jewish population of Malmö has halved in just a few years due to harassment by Muslim immigrants. And with his negative comments about the Jewish community even Malmö’s mayor is not very helpful either, Gerstenfeld claims.
Mass immigration from Muslim lands means importing mass anti-Semitism, honor crimes, polygamy and widespread practices of oppression of women. Multiculturalism is fine, but too much of it will lead to the “Balkanization” of our society.
The Netherlands: anti-Semitism as multiculturalism’s darker side
Things are not very different in small and multicultural Holland. It was last year that Dr. Gestenfeld published an alarming book about rising anti-Semitism in “rudderless Holland” (“stuurloos Nederland”). Among the experts interviewed by Dr. Gerstenfeld was Frits Bolkestein, former European Commissioner for Internal Market and Services. Bolkestein is highly critical of multiculturalism and the inherent loss of faith in European culture. Islamic values espoused by Muslim immigrants often clash with fundamental Dutch (and European) values, Bolkestein asserts. “Political correctness is the dark side of multiculturalism,” he says. Nearly half of Amsterdam’s population consists of people from a non-Western background, the bulk of them being Muslims from North ?Africa and Turkey. This gradual “Islamization” of the city, will, Bolkestein believes, induce those with a “Western” background to leave the city. Bolkestein also told Gerstenfeld that there is no future for the Jews in Holland, therefore, they should emigrate to America or Israel. Otherwise they will face mounting problems with the vast number of poorly integrated Muslim immigrants here.
I personally do not agree with this point of view. I think the Jews should stay in Europe and fight back (not using force, though, unless they are physically attacked or harassed). Who do these arrogant militant Muslims think they are and what in the world gives them the right to try to imitate the Nazis?
Seven years ago, in April 2004, Gerstenfeld was traveling on a streetcar in Amsterdam. Four Dutch Moroccan teen-agers were also on that tram. One of them began to sing an anti-Semitic song: “Jews must be killed, but that’s prohibited.” No one objected to that anti-Semitic song.
“A lot of Jews now emigrate to Israel or Britain,” Herman Loonstein, a Dutch Jew in Amsterdam, says. “Even in our own public transport system our children are not safe from harassment.” (Back in 1941 Nazi collaborators also did not allow Amsterdam Jews to travel by streetcar anylonger.)
Loonstein claims that even the fashionable Amsterdam quarter of “Buitenveldert” is no longer safe for Jews. The doorbell of a house belonging to a Jewish family rang just before eleven a.m. When the husband opened the frontdoor he faced a group of young Moroccan males who threw eggs at him, shouting all kinds of anti-Semitic slogans. The family reported the incident to the police who lamely claimed that they could not do anything unless they were shown photographs of the perpetrators.
Orthodox rabbi Raphael Evers lives in the same city quarter. His mother, 83-year old Bloeme Evers-Emden, barely survived Auschwitz, all her family members died in the Holocaust. Raphael Evers was born nine years after the war and fortunately he never suffered in a Nazi concentration camp. Nevertheless, he still occasionally wakes up after having had nightmares about Auschwitz. Evers recently said he now avoids walking in the streets of Amsterdam as much as possible (only 12 minutes per day). Just as it was at the time of the brutal Nazi occupation, Evers and other Amsterdam Jews are too scared now to leave their house. Young Moroccan males once lashed out against Evers, a nice, friendly and peaceful man, saying: “Hitler forgot (to kill) you!” (“Hitler is er eentje vergeten!”). Large parts of the city are no longer accessible to Jews, Evers says. He told the Amsterdam newspaper “De Telegraaf”: “We Jews now feel we are no longer living our own country. It is as if a burglar entered your home.” “This is my own city, and yet there are no-go areas.”
Earlier this year, rabbi Evers, dressed as an orthodox Jew and accompanied by other spiritual leaders from Amsterdam, was walking in the street when a young man, presumably a Dutch Moroccan, noticed them and raised his arm giving the Nazi salute. “Kankerjood!” (“Cancer Jew!”), he shouted. Obviously, this young, aggressive and anti-Semitic male wanted to convey to rabbi Evers that the Nazi cause was right – a view shared by not so few militant Muslims.
Last April, at a conference on anti-Semitism in the Dutch city of Nijkerk, Amsterdam rabbi Lody van der Kamp showed film footage of young Moroccan males who gave the Hitler salute as he walked past them. A hidden camera had been used to film these teen-agers.
The Dutch weekly “Vrij Nederland” published a shocking story about the so-called “Sjoel West” (a so-called “hidden synagogue” in Amsterdam West). Nine years ago, shortly after “9/11”, that is, Muslim youths threw stones at synagogue visitors. When “Vrij Nederland” reporter Elma Drayer raised the issue with the Amsterdam police, a police spokesman told her not to overemphasize such incidents. “Mind you, they are already being stigmatized,” he said referring not to the Jewish victims but to the Moroccan perpetrators. “We were not allowed to see the perpetrators as perpetrators,” Drayer writes. “Even more absurd was the fact that Muslims were seen as the ‘new Jews.'” Nine years later, little seems to have changed. The real victims are not the Jews but the Moroccan youths themselves. Victimization of the perpetrator or showing too much understanding for the perpetrators is often a lame excuse for failing to act. Understaffed police in West European countries and North America actually cannot cope with the manifold, huge and unprecedented problems of crime and culture clashes in multicultural societies.
France’s new Muslim anti-Semites
The above mentioned Cologne conference on anti-Semitism also paid attention to anti-Semitism in the notorious Parisian suburbs, or “Banlieues.” Iannis Roder, a prominent French historian associated with the Shoah Memorial and the Jewish Documentation Center in Paris, emphasized how difficult it is to teach about the Holocaust in French schools, especially in the Banlieues which are saturated with North African and sub-Saharan African immigrants, most of whom are Muslims. Iannis Roder knows these Banlieues quite well as he also works as a school teacher there. His parents were Hungarian Jews who fled to France. Part of his family died in Auschwitz.
It took long before the French authorities began to see the Shoah or Holocaust as an important event. School teachers often failed to pay attention to the Nazi program of the systematic extermination of the Jews. Consequently, many French citizens hardly know what really happened to the Jews during World War Two.
Fortunately, this began to change in the 1990s, Rodin said.
There are now over 600,000 Jews in France. According to Rodin many of them were quite surprised when they learned that anti-Semitic slogans have now been adopted by young Muslim immigrants in the French Banlieues. It is not just a matter of verbal abuse and anti-Semitic slogans, it is much worse. Real physical violence is not exceptional. Rodin claims that Jewish famlies are now withdrawing from the Banlieues, some are even leaving France itself as they believe there is no future for them there. They see how vast areas of Paris are now nicknamed “Gaza on the Seine.”
In February 2006, a young Jew named Ilan Halimi was killed by a Muslim gang operating in a Parisian Banlieue. The gang was led by Youssouf Fofana, a second-generation sub-Saharan African immigrant who joined the cause of militant Islam. During court sessions in Paris in April 2009, Fofana repeatedly shouted “Allah Akbar” – as if what he had done served a holy cause. Fofana’s gang consisted of 27 people, mostly children of immigrants. All of them denied the charges.
Sub-Saharan African gangs do pose a serious security threat in the Banlieues, not just in Paris but also in other major cities (Lyon, Marseilles, etc.) They are involved in drugs and arms trafficking, armed robberies, car jacking and prostitution, and, last but not least, racist violence against native “white” French and Jews. Non-locals cannot walk outside in vast areas of Paris without armed protection from the police. (Some policemen have even been killed.) The African gangs use machetes, pistols and Kalashnikovs [AK-47s]. Indeed, even many locals who were born there are not so safe.
In June 2008, a 17-year orthodox Jew named Ruby was beaten to coma by another African gang in the Parisian Banlieues. Wearing his yarmulke young and defenseless Ruby could easily be targeted by this bunch of coward and merciless criminals. In April 2007, a Parisian rabbi was attacked in the North Parisian railway station (the famous “Gare du Nord”).
Nidra Poller, an American novelist and journalist living in Paris since 1972, mentions the case of a Jew wearing a yarmulke who “was atttacked in the center of Strasbourg by two Muslims who knocked him down with a heavy iron bar and stabbed him twice in the back.” In her excellent essay on “A French Intifada” she writes: “There is ample evidence that immigration has brought specifically Islamic antipathy to Jews, contempt for Western values, and other antisocial attitudes reinforced by religious zeal and aggravated by the clash between an authoritarian family structure and permissive French society.” “Thugs, the Lumpenproletariat, and juvenile delinquents are easily enrolled as foot soldiers in totalitarian enterprises. These not-so-French, lawless youths play their role in a conflict that radiates outward from a flashpoint in the Middle East.”
A very correct observation indeed. The ones who profit from the chaos, the violence and the anarchy in the suburbs of the French cities are religious Muslim fanatics who want to take over the whole of France. Just like the communists did in Russia in 1917. Their real agenda is even world conquest. In addition, they want “to finish the job” that Hitler did not finish between 1939 and 1945, the total extermination of the so-called “Jewish race.” But like the Nazis in the Second World War they will eventually be defeated. Justice will prevail over evil and the forces of hell.
Source: Millitant Islam Monitor
Emerson Vermaat is an investigative reporter in the Netherlands specialized in crime and terrorism. Website: Sources:
Christian Brühl and Marcus Meier (Eds.), Antisemitismus als Problem in der schulischen Bildungsarbeit (Cologne: NS Dokumentationszentrum, 2010), pp. 69-72, 102-105.
Arabischer Antisemitismus in Berlin, in:–; Warum Dieter Tamm nach Israel auswanderte?, in Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz, Verfassungsschutzbericht 2009 (Cologne/Berlin: Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz/Ministry of Interior: 2010), p. 216: “Islamismuspotenzial” 2007: 33,170; 2008: 34,720; 2009: 36,270. Johannes Kandel, Islamismus in Deutschland. Zwischen Panikmache und Naivität (Freiburg im Breisgau: Verlag Herder, 2011), pp. 180, 181. An excellent and well documented study on Muslim radicalism in Germany. For an overview of Muslim Brotherhood activities in Germany, see: Lorenzo Vidino, The Muslim Brotherhood in the West (New York: Columbia University Press, 2010), pp. 147-165.
Open Society Institute/EU Monitoring and Advocacy Program, Muslims in the EU: Cities Reports, Sweden (EU/University of Göteborg, Sweden, 2007), p. 10: 1970: 1,000 Muslims, 1985: 50,000 Muslims, 1990: 120,000 Muslims, 1996: 200,000 Muslims, 2000: 325,000 Muslims and 2006: 400,000 Muslims. Just like in Holland and Britain, this represents an exponential growth. Page 47-49: Malmö. For Dutch figures (largely Turks and Moroccans) between 1972 and 1996, see: Arie van der Zwan, Waar blijft de ombuiging in het immigratiebeleid?, in Socialisme & Democratie, 2002, Number 4, pp. 43, 44.
Mikael Tossavainen, Arab and Muslim Anti-Semitism in Sweden, in: Jewish Political Studies Review, Fall 2005, 17:3-4 (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs,, and Institute for Global Jewish Affairs).
Muslims chanting Arabic and anti-Semitic slogans in Malmö, March 7, 2010 (
Maxime Rodinson, Muhammad (London/New York: Penguin Books, 1996), pp. 252-254.
Ha’, July 7, 2010 (“Jews reluctantly abandon Swedish city amid growing anti-Semitism”); Washington Times, March 29, 2010 (“Hate crimes force Jews out of Malmö”): “His paternal grandparents were Holocaust survivors…”
vManfred Gerstenfeld, Migranten brachten antisemitisme mee (“Migrants imported anti-Semitism”), in: De Volkskrant (Amsterdam), December 17, 2010, p. 20, 21.
Tammy Bruce, The New Thought Police. Inside the Left’s Assault on Free Speech and Free Minds (Roseville, California: Forum/Prima Publishing, 2001), p. 147 (“Multiculturalism” and “Balkanization”).
Manfred Gerstenfeld, Het Verval. Joden in Stuurloos Nederland (Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Van Praag, 2010), p. 21 (Amsterdam streetcar), p. 109 (Jews should leave Holland), pp. 123-129 (Bolkestein’s view of multiculturalism).
De Telegraaf (Amsterdam), June 26, 2010, p. 1, TA1 (“Joden doodsbang in Amsterdam”). “Grote delen van de stad niet langer toegankelijk.” “Marokkaans straattuig drijft families Nederland uit.” “Joden op de vlucht.”
Vrij Nederland, March 13, 1941, p. 1, 2 (“De gebeurtenissen in Amsterdam”). “Joden werden op straat, wanneer er maar weinig mensen aanwezig waren, gemolesteerd en van de tram afgeslagen.” (Jews forcefully removed from Amsterdam streetcars by Dutch Nazis back in 1941.) “Vrij Nederland” was an illegal underground resistance paper at the time; it is now a well known Amsterdam weekly. See also: B.A. Sijes, De Februari-staking, 25-26 februari 1941 (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1954), pp. 63, 65. “Terwijl hij dit deed, gaf een der andere mannen de Jood opzettelijk en herhaaldelijk hevige vuistslagen op diens gezicht.” (A Dutch Nazi collaborator hit a Jew in the face with his fists). “Joodse vrouwen aangevallen…” (Jewish women attacked).
PowNews (Dutch TV, channel 3), March 3, 2011. The incident was broadcast on Dutch TV more than once. See also: De Volkskrant, February 10, 2011, p. 11 (“Van moskee, via kerk naar de sjoel”). “Dan, op weg naar de synagoge, is er een schreeuw: “Kankerjoden!” De joodse beveiliger is alert. Maar de schreeuwlelijk van islamitische komaf maakt zich uit de voeten. Van een afstandje maakt hij nog de Hitlergroet.” Conference on Anti-Semitism, Nijkerk, the Netherlands, April 7, 2011. One of te speakers was Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld. I attended this conference. Elma Drayer, Moslims als de nieuwe Joden, in: Vrij Nederland (Amsterdam), July 3, 2010, p. 16. “Om mysterieuze redenen mochten wij de daders nimmer als daders zien. Absurder nog, moslims gingen door voor ‘de nieuwe Joden.'” See also: Beila Rabinowitz, Dutch Jews Under Increasing Attack From Moroccan Muslims, in: Pipelinenews, June 28, 2010.
Le Figaro (Paris), April 30, 2009, p. 11 (“Youssouf Fofana provoque la cour d’assises”), “Souriant et criant ‘Allah Akbar'”; El País (Madrid), April 30, 2009, p. 3 (“El juicio por el cruel asesinato de un joven judío conmociona Francia”). “El acusado (Fofana, V.), que afronta la candena perpetua, entró a la sala gritando ‘Alá es grande.'” (Fofana shouting “Allah Akbar,” “Allah is great.”)
El País (Madrid), December 1, 2009, p. 6 (“Los guetos franceses se radicalizan”). “…de fusiles Kaláshnikov…” See also: Ooggetuige: Levensgevaarlijke steden: Parijs, RTL 7 (Dutch TV documentary on the Parisian Banlieues describing the perfidious role of African gangs), January 31, 2010 (African gangs using pistols, involved in car jackings, armed robberies and drugs, attacking people in the subway; the role of gang leader Kémi Seba, who sympathizes with the anti-Semitic “The Nation of Islam”; Seba hates both “whites” and Jews.)
Paris Match (Paris), June 26, 2008, p. 52, 53. (“Agression du jeune Rudy. Le Bronx à Paris”); Le Figaro, June 23, 2008, p. 9 (“Enquête délicate sur l’agression antisémite”); NRC Handelsblad, June 23, 2008, p. 1 (“Scherpe reacties na antisemitisch geweld in Paris”). “Een tiental jongeren van Afrikaanse herkomst