Michael Shine – To all of my Liberal and Left Wing friends and acquaintances
To all of my Liberal and Left Wing friends and acquaintances, wherever they may be, who have already started their chatter about the poor Gazan civilians that will or are suffering at the hands of the aggressive Israeli retaliation, I have got news for you!
There are no innocent Gazan civilians. The people in Gaza voted the terrorist Hamas organization into power knowing full well what their agenda was…they are not innocent.
Israel totally withdrew from and left Gaza in 2005, withdrawing all of its forces and removing some 9,000 Jewish settlers living there. They left infrastructure for profitable flower nurseries and other industries for the civilians to take over. The civilians destroyed them all.
There are no innocent Gazan civilians. The population of Gaza voted the terrorist Hamas organization into power knowing full well what their agenda was…they are not innocent.
The civilians of Gaza have been quick to celebrate Hamas’s repetitive barbarity and inhumanity over the years, joyfully waving flags and handing out sweets and cakes each time, including the absolute atrocity of 9/11 in the USA.
The civilians of Gaza have done nothing to get rid of Hamas.
The civilians of Gaza are now reaping the rewards of their actions and non-actions. They have brought destruction upon themselves.
If the Palestinian and Muslim world is not supporters of Hamas, how do you explain them demonstrating in New York, London, and other European cities, calling out to gas the Jews, and rape Jewish women and girls, how do you explain the Palestinian supporters celebrating the terrorism and Barbarity of Hamas, the murder of innocents and the beheading of babies by handing out sweets and candies in celebration of the atrocities. It is about time the liberal Western world starts to understand that this is not about land or so-called occupation.
The Islamic jihadists and Hamas want the total destruction of Israel and the killing of all Jewish people. Then, as the Hamas leader recently was reported as saying that all Jews and all Christians will be killed and Muslims will rule the world.
There are none so blind as those who refuse to see!