From left to right: Avigdor Liberman, Benjamin Netanyahu, Ayelet Shaked, Ayman Odeh and Benny Gantz are all major players in the upcoming Israeli election. (Getty Images/JTA Photo Montage)
Mark Okrent – Shame but not on All of You
In reading my friend, Steve Ornstein’s recent posting titled “When will this all end – Shame on all of you?”, I identified with Steve’s intention to be the “Adult in the Room” and scold the politicians on all sides for their disregard of Israel’s national welfare and inability to reach a suitable solution for convening a governing coalition. We are now about to embark on an unprecedented third election in less than a year and he blames all sides equally for this absurdity. Granted from our perch as citizens overlooking the petty players in this apparently endless game resembling the card game “War” which we all played with our children, hoping that it would finally end but somehow reaching fatigue before one side finally won all the cards, we are fatigued and crying “Shame on all of you” seems the most suitable accusation.
Nevertheless, I have a problem with the equal allocation of Shame to all the parties. This Ring of Shame revolves almost solely around one person – Benjamin Netanyahu. He is using every possible tool to survive not only escaping a jail sentence but continuing the majestic lifestyle inherent in retaining the title of Prime Minister, continuing to live in the Prime Minister’s Residence and continuing to fly around the world in the Prime Minister’s Aircraft which he customized for himself and his wife (at our $200 million expense).
We have undergone at least 3 years of investigations on Cases 1000, 2000 and 4000 while Case 3000 sits in the wings waiting for one of the indicted participants to reveal the actual “brain behind the scheme”. The Justice System has moved with extreme caution during this period to assure that once the indictment would finally be issued, it would be air-tight. Netanyahu has benefitted from a long-drawn-out period of questioning, investigation, hearings and all this with the benefit of some of the best legal minds in Israel. (also with the strange concept that he is permitted to have benefactors cover all his expenses – another almost crime)
The timing of the elections, the rhetoric used by Netanyahu and his followers to denigrate the “left” (most of whom are actually right-wing or center leaning), Israeli Arab citizens and any politicians, journalists or civil servants who stand in his way.
The man whose prime task should be to defend the Israeli Democracy from all manner of attacks, including those which might destroy inherent Democracy itself, has been the Prime Enemy of Democracy attacking the courts and the Legal System. The beauty of the Democratic System is that while any other aspect of government may be on shaky grounds, the Judicial System is always present provide checks and balances over the government and protect the Justice System. Instead, in is only protecting himself, Netanyahu (and his family) have continuously assaulted our Justice System just as his best friend and idol, Donald J. Trump is doing in the United States.
Since the day of the First elections in early spring, the negotiations centred primarily around assuring that he be the Prime Minister, whether indicted or not and assuring that he will be provided with immunity.
We can certainly comprehend how any individual would do his utmost to attain his “stay out of jail” card, but it is absolutely incomprehensible how intelligent people from his own Likud party, from other parties on the right and from the general population, continue to support this now-indicted individual. Has all integrity and Jewish honour been burned to ashes? It is well-known that the world is based on interests and his supporters from the Likud, other parties and citizens with right-wing views, feel that supporting Netanyahu guarantees the success of their various enterprises whether they are nationalistic or religious, but there comes a time when the criminality of an individual has to be accepted.
Those people who believe in right-wing causes have legitimate rights, protected by the same Justice System which Netanyahu desires to destroy. They should allow him to face his day in court and prove his innocence or accept punishment if he is found to be guilty and find other leaders within their parties and their communities to support and champion their causes. If they want their causes to be seen in a positive light by the majority of the population, then they must choose leaders who can be respected to represent them. It is not by coincidence that the classic leaders of the Herut – Likud party like Benny Begin and Dan Meridor have disappeared from the political stage. They have recognized that Netanyahu and his supporters’ modus operandi would be considered to be odious by the venerated Herut Leader – Menachem Begin and they want no part of this sham.
Therefore, as we embark on the third set of elections, I have to modify Steve Ornstein’s call to the politicians –
Shame on you Benjamin Netanyahu for drawing the whole country into a series of elections and not permitting a national coalition to arise which would not have as its prime motivation to save you from the courtroom.
Shame on all the politicians in Likud for refusing to agree to a National Coalition which does not have as its primary principle the survival of Benjamin Netanyahu.