Lee Diamond – To Our brothers and sisters in the diaspora-On a Wagon bound for Market
To Our brothers and sisters in the diaspora
Humility Is what is called forth now.
“And the man Moses was a very humble man.”
The greatest leaders In Our history we’re humble.
Your sisters and brothers in Israel are facing the enemies
Of OUR people daily.
From the north In Syria
From the Hizbollah in Lebanon
From the north In Iran
From the south west in Gaza
From the east from Abbas
All of these intent on destructive
Of Israel and the Jews.
Yes, the Jews!
Our children In the north
Sleep in bunkers
Our fields In the south west
Are burning
Our young soldiers are
On high alert
Yet we are silent and live
Our lives as if we are secure
Our young pilots defend and
Counter attack when necessary
Risk their lives on every mission
And are unknown to all but their
There are no victory marches
Just humility in our survival
And our brothers and sisters
Leaders of diaspora Jewry
Criticize us for “aggression”
For being “trigger happy”
For whipping up the Middle East
Into a frenzy of war.
Humility Please!
You’re not sleeping in bunkers
You’re children are not awakened by missiles
You’re not flying missions
To protect your people
And you are ignorant
Of the way to protect
Your fellow Jews.
Humility is your only possible reaction.
And know that Israel
Will stand humbly at your side
Respectfully and with deep caring.
On a Wagon bound for Market
When we were weak
You laughed at us.
You asked : Why don’t
You fly like the swallow
Winging swiftly through
The sky
You laughed and asked
Why we remain calves?
Why not be The swallow?
We heard you!
We traded in our mournful eye
For a new vision ; a seeing
Eye .
And an outstretched arm
And a mighty hand
But with an ever strong memory
Of that mournful eye
Never a calf again to be
But never the farmer
Driving toward the slaughter!
And now you damn us
For no longer swallowing
Your contempt, your laughter
Your derision
But once a calf learns to fly
There is no return
Once a Swallow
Once free to soar
The only limit
Is the mournful eye
That Is Now in our very
Just know
That It is you who
And it is We who learned
To fly.