Lee Diamond – The Extra blessing Or Curse
They speak only for their
Assimilated, fearful selves.
J Street would present itself
As a pro Israel lobby which chooses to improve Israel in its own image!
In who’s image?
What exactly provides them with
the authority to define Our Image?
Despite the “J” Are they Jews?
Are they Israeli Jews living
In the American Jewish diaspora?
Are they Israel connected at all?
Are they involved in The American Jewish community other
than in organizations criticizing
Israel and its existence?
Are they educated Jews?
Do these J streeters pay taxes in Israel?
Do they serve in the IDF?
Do they send their children to serve
In the IDF ?
In their image ?
Do they believe that Zionism is an essential part of Judaism?
In their image?
Are they aware that Israel is and has been at war since its formation by the U.N. and that the Palestinians and most Arab countries have been to war and are at war with Israel.
Do they view Israel as the Jewish State? Or the state of all Jews.
In their image ?
Are they prepared to take part in the Jewish State and its institutions by being citizens here? By voting
for or against out government and its policies? All Israelis do exactly that!
Or perhaps they wish to hide from their Judaism and Jewish consciousness by criticizing Israel.
Perhaps this is a new American Jewish way of assimilating.
In their image?
Perhaps ‘this is really a way of denying Jewish people hood or Jewish ethnicity?
In their image
Perhaps J Street and its cohorts with implied Jewish names should rethink their claim to speak for the Jewish people who regard their activities with disregard, disrespect and
In the Jewish tradition, there is a prayer about מלשינים or Jewish slanderers in which we pray to God that they have No Hope or Future
ברכת המינים
ולמלשינים אל תהי תקוה וכל כרגע תאבד
וכל איביך מהרה יכרתו והזדים מהרה תעקר ותשבר ותמגר ותכניע במהרב בימינן
ברוך אתה יהוה שובר איבים ומכניע זדים
As a Jew; as an American; as a Rabbi and as a a lover of Zion, as well as an leftist Israeli:
I call for the American Jewish community to consider
“herem” חרם
Ex-communication for such heretics!
Perhaps it’s time to close the tent flap and to make a circle of stagecoaches to protect ourselves?