Lee Diamond

Lee Diamond – Sculpting a Jewish Society

The Long Road Home

Lee Diamond – Sculpting a Jewish Society

We were a work in progress

For two thousand years

We drew plans

For two thousand years

We wrote the text

For two thousand years

We wrote the laws

And imagined a society

Of growing values

For a returned nation

To its natural home.

And that very same nation

Is now a living  Work

But a work that remains

Fully  in progress.

Those who see Israel

As complete

Miss the point.

The state of Israel

Is being fashioned daily

The sculptors are chiseling

The image without pause.

And by our very nature

Images are never final

For the image comes from

Within  us

And it’s the progress

That we worship

And not the temporary image.

If there’s a flaw

We will remove it

If there’s a deviation

From our image

We will re- sculpt

Knowing that the

Next generation

Will continue

To keep the work

In progress

And Will continue

To Improve and

Proceed toward

The perfection

That can never come

Fir the next 2,000 and

Thereafter we will be

כִּי כָּאֶבֶן בְּיַד הַמְסַתֵּת

בִרְצוֹתוֹ אוֹחֵז[pוּבִרְצוֹתוֹ מְכַתֵּת

כֵּן אֲנַחְנוּ בְיָדְךָ מְחַיֶּה וּמְמוֹתֵת

לַבְּרִית הַבֵּט וְאַל תֵּפֶן לַיֵּצֶר

As Stone in the hand

Of the sculptor

Who by His will

Expands and diminishes

So are we in Your hands

“Continuing to sculpt

A more perfect Israel.”

Which gets better by the day

And never completed .

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