Lee Diamond

Lee Diamond – Guide For The Perplexed by A Bewildered Jew

Lee Diamond - Guide For The Perplexed by A Bewildered Jew

Lee Diamond – Guide For The Perplexed by A Bewildered Jew

I am an American
Born and bred–
I am a Jew
Born and bred—
I am an Israeli by choice
“Reborn” and “Re Jew vi Nationed” —
Not sure of my primary loyalty
Is it to my American identity which I owe loyalty?
Is it to my Jewish identity which I wear constantly ?
Or is it to my Israeli  identity in which I live ?
As I face the upcoming American elections which are already in full force
With which identity do I respond?
As an American seeking the best for this shining example of democracy at its best?
As a Jew seeking Justice, Liberty and and minority rights?
Or as an Israeli seeking support and protection for our national entity ?

Some say that a strong America provides for a strong Israel

Some say that an America dedicated to its basic democratic values is our natural and primary friend.
Some say that we must influence America to protect our own survival needs.
Some are even willing to interfere to make sure that we get our way.
But I ask: what is my right and responsibility as an Israeli American Jew?
To vote with a Jewish conscience ?
To Vote with America’s future in mind?
To vote for a candidate and party which places Israel alongside its highest values.

My only guide to this perplexity is to rate my identities in terms of personal significance :

I am  a Jew
I am an American
I am an Israeli
WAZE is in deep trouble here! It can’t calculate or recalculate for me
Maimonides was a Spanish Jew (or was he a Jewish Spaniard?) but always looking toward the “east” . Very Perplexing surely for him.

No simple answer

So I remain perplexed without a sufficient guide
unsure of my WAZE
—But definitely in good company and in keeping with the Jewish historical dilemma—


Rabbi Lee Diamond,  is based in Israel and began his unique rabbinate as an Israel Educator for the Diaspora. Rabbi Diamond has served as director of the Alexander Muss High School in Israel, and Associate Director of the Israel office of the UJR and NFTY Israel programs. He has dedicated his life to sharing the Israel he loves and  creating an educational experiences for everyone visiting Israel. Rabbi Diamond’s philosophy: Israel is the stage on which I want to act out the drama of the Jewish people, its creative survival, and to affect people’s lives. When we see each other our discussion always seems to find its way to the ever changing  political situation in Israel. In the end of course we come around to what is dear to the hearts of both of us: the importance of emphasizing Jewish values and ethics in our society.
Lee Diamond – Guide For The Perplexed by A Bewildered Jew

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