Lee Diamond – Different Strokes: Chaim and Me
Chaim comes from the Israeli right
I come from the Israeli left
Chaim supports the settlement movement in Judah and Shomron
I regret the settlement movement and view it as dangerous to Israel
Chaim supports the hill top youth in Judah and the Shomron
Chaim sees this youth as the contemporary pioneers.
I view them as crazies to be stopped urgently.
Chaim is s capable spokesperson for the right
I am equally capable to argue the case for the left of center
Heו s vehement
So am I.
Half of Israel supports Chaim
The other half me!
Are we so divided and incapable of the vision of the other
That we are two nations?
Are we blocks? Stones? Worse than senseless things?
I think not!
We are truly one
We are truly struggling for the same cause!
The cause of Zionism !
Not a current political value
But a value as old as the Jews.
4000 year old value
In the beginning — Zion was our commonality
In the beginning — we were led to Zion
And during 4000 years — Zion was above our highest joy
Whether breaking a glass
Whether declaiming at the Seder
Whether concluding Yom Kippur
We never forgot
And never will
Chaim has a vibrant memory and insists on it
I have a fire within me demanding Zion
We’re two sides of the same coin
But it’s the same coin
Right and left
Don’t apply to the Jews
To the Jews who care
Love Of Zion has many paths
Passion for Zion makes us
One people
Chaim and I are united
Just Different strokes
For the Same folks