Just your average anti semitic BLM marchers in D.C. last week wearing said photo copyright Jerusalem Post
Larry Levine – Speaks out on BLM and the U.S. Jewish Communities
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
Please share this and have your friends click here to sign up. Sign up for my column There are still some of us that have common sense.
Update: Here are a few links that some of you sent to me.
Tony historically Jewish school in Baltimore buckles to ANTI SEMITES
Biden meets with Farrakhan anti semitic father of son shot by police
600 Jewish organizations prove that Jews are not as smart as advertised. Alternate headline: Jewish Groups who are “Lost in the sixties.”, sign a letter in a full-page ad in the New York Times supporting Black Lives Matter.
I read about this a week or so ago, and I wrote it off as just some people “virtue signaling” to their constituents. It was like Jews putting out a press release saying Jews against Murder, slavery, rotten gefilte fish, and the heartbreak” of psoriasis. At the time, I thought it was harmless, that is until I read the letter.
I had an epiphany after reading this. Most of our Jewish clergy, activists are children of the 1960s. Some kids never grow up. The civil rights movement in the 1960s was real. Blacks were not allowed to go to the same schools, drink from the same water fountains, there were genuine issues. Our community was ( rightly so) at the forefront of the civil rights movement. Jews started the NAACP. Jews fought alongside the truly oppressed and we suffered because of it.
I am not saying that there is no racism today, but come on, really?
These are people who are reliving their childhoods, they are going through a late midlife crisis, or they are on a recurring acid trip. That is the only explanation that I have for the ridiculous actions they are taking. BLM, Black Lives Matter is a Marxist, anti-Semitic movement that hates our Country, wants to destroy our way of life. Why would any Jewish organization support an organization like this?
I am not going to discuss racism in-depth The statistics do NOT support an increase in police brutality; in fact, it supports the opposite.
There is one fact that seems to be a thread between almost every one of these cases. The “victims” almost all resisted arrest. In short, most of this is phony, the cynical use of a tragic situation to support a narrative that doesn’t exist in any significant numbers. All designed to remove our current President and to permanently change our way of life.
Don’t believe me? Just read their by-laws, listen to their leadership, and, most importantly, open YOUR EYES AND SEE THAT MANY OF THESE MARCHES ARE TARGETING JEWS. WE DON’T DESERVE TO BE TARGETED. Nobody does frankly. It is the only season on white people and Jews.
A man who has enough fentanyl to kill a horse complains that he can’t breath dies after a moronic cop sits on his neck for 8 minutes. The recording of him resisting arrest doesn’t show up until months later. Yes the policeman was wrong but this wasn’t a situation where a man was singled out because of his race. He was a perpetrator, a man with a history. It took four policemen to get him under control.
Downtown Minneapolis is destroyed, Columbus Ohio’s arts district and downtown look like Beirut. Statues of white people are destroyed around the country. Including many who supported civil rights and the defeat of slavery.
BLM marchers were chanting, “Israel, we know you kill children too during a march in D.C..” BLM marchers shout Israel we know you kill children too during another march. read
“Fuck the Jew” chanted during a march down Melrose ave in California. The Jewish daily “forward” said this was “misquoted’. A Jewish business district in California is targeted by a BLM march. Businesses were destroyed while marchers shouted obscenities about Jews and Israel. Many called this the “Shavuos Pogrom”. Here are a few quotes from the letter that over 600 Jewish groups signed.
“We are Jewish organizations and synagogues from across the racial and political spectrum, from different streams of Judaism, whose members trace their lineage from countries worldwide.” Ok, so far, so good, right?
“We speak with one voice when we say, unequivocally: Black Lives Matter.”
Now here it comes…
There are politicians and political movements in this Country who build power by deliberately manufacturing fear to divide us against each other. All too often, antisemitism is at the center of these manufactured divisions.
There is a long history to these attempts: during the Southern Freedom Movement of the 1950s and 1960s, conspiracy theories were used by white supremacists attempting to delegitimize the extraordinary organizing of Black activists. Billboards were erected smearing Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as a communist, signs and flyersclaiming that “communist Jews” were masterminding the civil rights movement were common, and pro-segregation organizations like the John Birch Society popularized these lies.
Black Lives Matter, the recent uprisings across the globe in the wake of the murders of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, Rayshard Brooks, and so many others, and the decades of political organizing across the country that have led to this moment are movements led by and for Black people. We see through any attempt to suggest otherwise by pointing fingers, scapegoating, or using antisemitic dog whistles.
As Jews, we know how dangerous this is: when politicians target Jewish people and blame us for problems, it leads directly to violence against us.
When Black movements are undermined, it leads to more violence against Black people, including Black Jews.
Antisemitism is part of the same machinery those politicians use to blame Black and brown people, people who are immigrants, people who are Muslim, and more. But whether they generate division and fear based on our religion, our skin color, or how long we’ve been here, their goal is to keep us from working together to win the things we all need to survive and thrive.
When Jewish people join together with our neighbors across racial and religious differences, as we have in the past, we can protect each other and build the future of freedom and safety we all deserve.
What planet are these people on? The BLM movement is the new civil rights of 2020? Are they kidding? No mention of Antifa, which is a mostly white fascist, “anti-fascist” group supported by the far left, and other “actors” which hopefully will be exposed. They are violent, they are anarchists, and they are primarily white.
To suggest otherwise points to either a delusion or a purposeful misreading of what is happening.
Violent Antifa activists travel across the country stay in friendly hotels ( many were spotted staying at the Willard Hotel in D.C., it ain’t cheap.
When a leader of this movement calls herself a “trained Marxist,” one should listen to her. BLM leader says she is a trained marxist
To say that it is a conspiracy to suggest that the BLM movement is not what it appears to be is racist, flies in the face of reality.
Prior to George Floyd and COVID 19 Black Americans had the LOWEST unemployment level EVER. The only time they had full employment was slavery.
Didn’t we as a country, elect an African American to TWO terms as our President?
Weeks before George Floyd died, Columbus, Ohio city council, declared racism to be a public health crisis. Here is one quote in the body of the resolution. WHEREAS, racism is rooted in the foundation of America, beginning with chattel slavery in 1619; much of the Black experience in America has been endured under slavery and Jim Crow, which allowed preferential opportunities for some while subjecting people of color to hardships and disadvantages in every area of life; and
This resolution is all Marxist dogma. Our country was not founded on racism. Slavery was worldwide and many countries were guilty. This is the nonsense that we are teaching our children in school.
To be sure, it is a healthy thing to examine our past. Slaves ( which still goes on today) was the key to the southern economy. Does anyone remember that half the country fought the other half to abolish it? Examining our past is not the goal here. The goal is to erase our history and fundamentally change our country into a socialist/ communist utopia. Blacks are being used ( as always) to further some very cynical people to gain power and control. It is not in their interest to have blacks employed, happy. They want misery, social unrest so that they can use this to their advantage.
Our Jewish community is bereft of brave leadership, leaving only cowardly “useful idiots,” leading us and our country down the path of destruction. This is sad to say but true. There are very few voices speaking out. Morton Klein is brave enough to say what he thinks. For that he is being ostracized, diminished and criticized by some in the leadership community.
Am I dramatic? Yes, but just because you are paranoid doesn’t mean they are not out to get you.
We are living in dangerous times. Wake up I had my little sister read the title and she suggested that I tone it down to say that many well-meaning people, yada yada yada.
Sorry but the time for niceties is OVER. I will take the heat but SOMEONE, EVERYONE NEEDS TO SPEAK OUT. THIS IS SHEER LUNACY. We cannot keep our heads in the sand any longer. Our community is in danger our Country is in danger.
The far-right and the far left as far as I am concerned is the same. To ignore either is at our own peril.
Larry Levine