Kippalive – We Are Home
The lyrics from We Are Home:
Left it all to be with you
Distant dreams have now come true
Walked the streets of legends told
We’ve come home
We’ve come home
We’ve come home
And we’ll never stand alone
After 2000 years, we are home
Not a native of this land
Bring me up and take my hand
Sapphire seas and golden sand
A place called home
We’ve come home
We’ve come home
To a land of our own
After 2000 years, we are home
זאת ארצי, מולדתי
על אדמתי צעדתי
עברי עתידי
זה ביתי
We’ve come home
We’ve come home
And we’ll never stand alone
After 2000 years, we are home
We’ve come home
We’ve come home
To a land of our own
After 2000 years, we are home
After 2000 years, we are home
We are home