Jack Cohen – Defeat for BDS – Vichy Again
Defeat For BDS
The anti-Israel BDS movement in the UK is about to suffer a severe setback, according to their own leadership, the Palestine BDS organization from which they take their marching orders (as reported by the Friends of UK Lawyers for Israel https://www.facebook.com/groups/uklfi/).
The Conservative UK Government of PM Cameron has decided to introduce legislation into Parliament to prevent local councils in the UK from engaging in direct boycotts of foreign countries. The fact is that this has been the main mechanism used by the BDS to hurt Israel, and this boycott approach has been used against no other foreign country than Israel. Notwithstanding the terrible human rights abuses of counties like Syria, China, Russia, Somalia, etc. etc. the only country this so-called movement has been motivated to boycott is democratic, liberal Israel. What a farce.
At last this ridiculous situation will be taken care of by the British Government. The Conservative Government of PM Cameron is so far solidly pro-Israel, and they know better than anyone else the value of maintaining ties with Israel, that provides them with valuable weapons, training and intelligence. They also know that an academic boycott of Israeli universities would actually hurt Britain more than Israel. Israel has a far greater range of innovation in the electronics and biotech area than Britain, for example, little Israel has more start-up companies than all of western Europe combined.
People have suggested that in retaliation for the BDS movement, Jews and Israelis should boycott Arab goods, but there is nothing they produce that we want. And as for an academic boycott of Arab countries, are you kidding? That would really be hilarious.
Vichy Again
France has once again shown that it is a Republic that is all style but no substance. During WWII France, after putting on a good show, not only capitulated to the Germans, but then established a collaborationist regime centered at Vichy. Now, after the attacks in Paris on Charlie Hebdo and the Hyper-Kosher Supermarket last year and the attacks that killed 130 people a few months ago, France has now shown to the IS that it is capitulating. How is it doing this, by giving an ultimatum to Israel. Either accept our two-state peace plan or we will unilaterally recognize a Palestine State. This is the blackmail policy of socialist President Hollande that is basically a message to IS that we will toe your line, we are not really your enemy.
How can anyone take this so-called French plan seriously? What it amounts to is a capitulation to the Palestinian side. By saying that if Israel does not do what we insist then we will recognize a Palestine State, lets the Palestinians completely off the hook. They don’t have to do anything to achieve their goal. But, in fact, this “plan” can’t work, because typically there is no substance to the French plan for a Palestine State: 1. Such a State cannot exist and cannot function without the agreement and involvement of Israel; 2. Such a State cannot exist without the acceptance by its political elite and people of the existence of the Jewish State of Israel; 3. The so-called Palestinians are irretrievably divided between the Islamist Hamas in Gaza and the nationalist Arab Fatah/PLO in the West Bank; 4. There are no functioning bodies that can constitute a working and functioning State existing within the current status of the Palestine Authority, it is bankrupt and corrupt.
I agree with the editorial of The Jerusalem Post that concludes that France is a country without principles or credibility. If they think they can coerce or blackmail Israel into accepting their pathetic plan they should have thought these serious matters through before capitulating to the Muslims
(see http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/French-recognition-443413).