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ISRAEL21c provides eyewitness coverage of ongoing work of IsraAid

ISRAEL21c provides eyewitness coverage of ongoing work of IsraAid

In Israel21c’s own words.

At ISRAEL21c, it’s our mission to tell the world about the extraordinary things Israel is doing to make life better for so many people. We share stories about innovations in technology, health and environment, about fabulous places to visit and eat, but nothing quite touches our hearts as much as the work carried out by Israel’s many humanitarian aid organizations.

As part of a new series of films we decided to follow one Israeli aid organization, IsraAID, out into the field to see for ourselves how Israel is touching people’s lives and making a difference.



In December, we accompanied IsraAID relief workers to California, where they were offering psycho-social relief to people from Paradise, who had lost everything in the Camp Fire in November 2018.

Two months later, we flew to Puerto Rico, which a year earlier had been completely devastated by Hurricane Maria, following the organization as it put the finishing touches on a new water-filtration system that will finally give people in the mountains access to clean water, and to meet teachers involved in an IsraAID program that teaches resiliency and psychological support.

It’s been an incredible and moving journey. We met people whose lives have been completely transformed by Israeli ingenuity and compassion, who told us with tears in their eyes of their gratefulness for the work that IsraAID has done in helping them rebuild their shattered lives, their homes and communities.

Arriving often at the worst moment when all seems lost, IsraAID is able to harness the best of Israel and give it freely and compassionately to people all over the world, whether it’s innovations in water technology, search and rescue, education, or trauma relief and resiliency.

It’s an inspiring story. This is Israel in action, ready to take on seemingly impossible tasks and find solutions. We hope that you will share it with us. To get an idea of what is to come, please watch and share the two videos, showing IsraAID’s work in Puerto Rico and California.

These are touching stories of an Israel you may not have seen before.

Keep an eye out for our new IsraAID films to come, and share them as widely as possible. Let’s get the message about Israel’s remarkable work out to as many people as we can.

Nicky Blackburn



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