
Israel Seen – Is J Street good for Israel? Who is Regavim?

Israel Seen – Is J Street good for Israel? Who is Regavim?

As you know in recent months J Street has attacked Regavim, encouraging the IRS to investigate Regavim’s tax status.  J Street claims that it is doing its duty as a “pro-Israel?” organization.

But is J Street good for Israel? The question is rhetorical.

As Regavim’s new video below explains, J Street not only attacked Regavim, but stood up for the “humanitarian” Gaza Flotilla, supported the anti-IDF Goldstone Report, and heavy financed the bad Iranian nuclear deal.

Most recently, J Street vehemently opposed the nomination of Zionist David Friedman as the US Ambassador to Israel, and yes, even stood on the side of the Obama administration is support of their move to abstain on the anti-Israel UN Security Council Resolution.

So please watch our new video to learn the truth about J Street, and please continue to express your true Zionism by supporting Regavim’s mission of safeguarding Israel’s National Lands.



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