Yoram Getzler z"l

French Appeals Court – Israeli Doctor Not Liable in Al-Dura Case

By Yoram Getzler: Co-Host of IsraelSeen. Some may remember the famous case of the child Muhammad al- Dura who was the subject of a French TV video clip recorded while he was allegedly being shot at by IDF solders in the first days of the second intifada.


There has been a growing controversy over the true circumstances of the video and actions of the IDF on that day.

Muhammad’s father also seen in the video later claimed to have also been shot by IDF bullets. He later exhibited woulds on his arm he alleged were caused in that incident.

However an Israeli doctor, Yehuda David, reported that the scars the elder al-Dura displayed were caused by an earlier event and that he (Dr. David) had been the attending physician.

Dr. David was sued and an original verdict issued against him.

Now that verdict has been overturned by a French court.

This is another mark of the questionable reporting of the indecent which inflamed and provoked the entire Arab/Muslim world.

“A French appeals court on Wednesday acquitted Israeli Dr. Yehuda David of libeling the father of Muhammad al- Dura, a symbol of the second intifada, killed in Gaza in 2000.”


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