Reena Keren, MA specializes in Eating Disorders, Addictions and Well Being. She is a Therapist, Lecturer and Teacher. Reena has been doing this kind of work in Tel Aviv area and now on-line since 1993.
Reena combines the wisdom gained during her own 32 years of recovery from a severe eating disorder/addiction with her 2 academic degrees and several professional certificates.
She blends traditional psychotherapy with the “12 Step Program of Recovery”, Guided Imagery, coaching, journal writing and teachings from Judaism and religions from the Far East.
Reena practices and teaches the:
“Reena Keren Method of MINDFUL EATING”
“When we learn to bring Mindfulness to our eating, we are able to
EAT what we LOVE,
EAT what we NEED
and also have the lean healthy body needed to live joyous and Mindful lives.
Reena lectures extensively on the subject of EATING DISORDERS as ADDICTION and Reena’s method.