Dr. Rabbi Moshe Dror
I assume that the term Holy Scroller is a play-on-words with the phrase Holy Rollers That describes some aspects of the Pentecostal Christian worship. It describes people who literally rolled on the floor when the Holy Spirit seized them as part of their highly emotionally charged worship services.
In this image Ratner shows an angelic being with his characteristic jet pods in the place of the traditional wings. We can see the figure with a space like helmet with the Tefillin of the head on his forehead.
He is holding a box with many suggestive elements in it. On either side are two speakers like devices suggesting that we can broadcast the word of God through the two antennae like elements on top of the speakers.
In the center is the double scroll of the Torah showing a hand with an outstretched finger pointing to the text of the Torah scroll. When Jews read from the Torah scroll in the Synagogue the Torah reader uses a simulated hand and finger to keep track of the section being chanted so as not to lose his place in the text of the scroll. Jews do not use their actual fingers to keep the place due to the sacred nature of the Torah scroll itself.
It would seem that the basic idea is that the Word of God is being broadcast throughout the universe to anyone who will listen.