It saddens me to inform all of our supporters that Dr. Eli Lasch, a close friend and contributor to israelseen, passed away April 1, 2009. He was scheduled to visit Israel in a few weeks for his 80th birthday celebration with family and friends.
I had known Eli for over 25 years and had seen him perform his work as a pediatrician first hand. In the 1980’s we lived in the northern city of Safed and Eli came to visit us. Our middle son Ori who at the time was just a child, was not feeling very well. One look by Eli and he told us to take him to the hospital and get some chest X rays because he had pneumonia. Spot on, Ori had it with out any apparent outward signs.
Eli could be a real pain in the neck at times but his love for the country and his dedication to healing elevated him beyond his physical presence. There are many stories of his healing abilities, including his appearance on German television where hundreds of people called in sharing their experience of being healed by his prayers.
A medical doctor by profession, he took a position offered to him by the government of Israel to develop the medical system in Gaza after Israel took it over in the 1967 war. During the 80’s I would go with him to Tel Aviv and meet some of the doctors from Gaza and they would talk about the incredible the cooperation between Eli and their colleagues. He prided himself on helping Gaza into the 20th century with first class medical facilities.
His healing became his passion and many people were touched by his skills. His life eventually took him to Germany, the place of his birth. There he married another physician after a series of divorces and finally settled down in Berlin. I appreciated his wife, Karola, and she apparently was able to appreciate and love this amazing human being.
He has written a number of books but in only in German. We were hoping to get them translated into English. He was a Bible and Kabbalah intuitive and was very well read. Some of his writings we have posted on Israelseen. The last installment will be put up shortly.
His passing leaves this planet a better place for having had such a passionate and sincere healer whose love affected many.