
Do We have a Choice?

Until Assad realizes that it pays to make peace over preparing for war as Iran’s agent we must be vigilant and take whatever steps are necessary to stop this threat by Syria. This latest meeting in Syria with Hamas leadership and the Iranian President making public statements of financial support for purchases for the Syrian military to the tune of 1 billion dollars makes my heart heavy with dread that the next major war could be just around the corner. We must NOT allow this to happen. Israel must be diligent and take whatever preemptive actions necessary to stop a fully armed hostile Syria from being capable of creating havoc in our entire region. We cannot afford to allow Iran to continue to push its Jihad at our back door without any kind of response.

 I call upon our leadership to take whatever steps are necessary in the public, diplomatic and military arena to force Iran’s hand and create whatever blockades that are possible in order to ensure that this rhetoric does not become fact. Our margin of error is a lot smaller than anywhere else in the world. We do not have the luxury of vast amount of landmass to be affective combating the most sophisticated weaponry to penetrate our local area.  

Iran must be stopped in its efforts by western nations and Arab moderates in order to ensure that a situation develops that will not cause a catastrophic situation where the earth as we know it will no longer be the same. Iran’s bold public statements to wipe Israel off the map could only be possible because of implicit European support along with Arab states hoping that it happens.  It appears that the greed to make fortunes trading with Iran by Italian, French, German and English companies with the approval of their respective governments brings shivers down my spine.

This is Déjà vu all over again. The West has become so bankrupt and corrupt that once again Jewish lives will be sacrificed for personal gain. Only this time the entire world including Europe will go down with the ship. Nuclear weapons will fall on Europe and Arab states if we can no longer bring home a secure victory. Foolishness and stupidity by the West in not eradicating this extremism is a sign of weakness. Moslem extremism or for that matter any kind of extremism is fueled by the unwillingness of Western Democracies to see clearly that all is not well. We are no longer in Kansas . No clicking the heels of our glass slippers will prevent a new holocaust.  

I suggest that our present government must resign and allow for new elections so that our nation can decide who will lead our country into this new era of danger. Hamas, Hezbollah and Syria must understand that if you attack us you will be crushed and destroyed with no sympathy for civilians or infrastructure. This will not be a war like Lebanon. This will be a situation of great suffering for our enemies.  We need this new government of ours to prepare seriously for this event now and use every resource in our possession to end this madness and miscalculation by Moslem extremism.

I pray that this scenario is just a bad dream of mine. However, as much as I want peace, I refuse to be blinded by the insanity that emanates out of the mouths of Iranian leadership and their partners in their desire to destroy Israel .

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