By Moshe Dror
Before we begin to design anything, I think that it is very important to think of whom we are designing for, and what are they looking for. One of the best explorations that I have come across recently is the book by Daniel Pink “A Whole New Mind: Why Right Brainers Will Rule the Future”, (Riverhead Books, New York, 2006).
Since we are developing these ideas that will be used by futures oriented people, it seems to me to be of utmost significance that we take this seriously indeed in designing our programs. Pink deals with the concepts of: high-tech- high-touch- high-concept (and in our moments of Grace of high- holiness). Pink relates to the Left Brain directed needs and the significance of the emerging Right Brain directed themes –what he calls the new senses. I am adapting the following from his recent book, (pages 65, 66, 67).
Since most such programs are text based and hence left brain oriented. I would like to suggest that we design these programs to incorporate, integrate and enhance these programs with BOTH the left brain AND Right brain sensibilities.
Not just function but DESIGN– It’s no longer sufficient to create a product or an experience that is merely functional. Today it is economically crucial and personally rewarding to create something that is also beautiful, whimsical and emotionally engaging.
Not just argument but also STORY– When our lives are brimming with information and data, it is not enough to marshal an effective argument. Someone somewhere will inevitably track down a counterpoint to rebut your point. The essence of persuasion, communication, and self-understanding has become the ability also to fashion a compelling narrative-a story.
Not just focus but also a SYMPHONY– Much of the Industrial and Information ages required focus and specialization. What is in greatest demand today is not analysis but synthesis – seeing the big picture, crossing boundaries, and being able to combine pieces into an arresting new whole?
Not just logic but also EMPATHY– The capacity for logical thought is one of the things that make us human. But in a world of ubiquitous information and advanced analytic tools, logic alone will not do. What will distinguish those who thrive will be their ability to understand what makes their fellow humans – women and men tick, to forge relationships, and to care for others.
Not just seriousness but also PLAY– Ample evidence points to the enormous health and professional benefits of laughter, lightheartedness, games and humor. There is a time for being serious, of course. In the Conceptual Age, in work and in life, we all need to play.
Not just accumulation but also MEANING– We all live in a world of breathtaking plenty that has freed hundreds of millions of people from day-to-day struggles. It has liberated them to pursue other significant desires: purpose, transcendence, and spiritual fulfillment.
- Design
- Story
- Symphony
- Empathy
- Play
- Meaning
These six senses will increasingly guide our lives and shape our world.