By Dr. Rabbi Moshe Dror
I would like to use these blogs to explicate, probe, explore and play with these interfaces and interactions of Cyber and Or for the next century.
What might be the practical implications and applications of this?
The N-gen is the Net Generation population cohort who are now the children of the baby boom, aged 13-30 or so. Other designations are also Y-generation.
They are the generation that has come of age in the digital age-hence the designation “Net” for the Internet and the use of the ‘Cyber” designation.
I will deal both with some of the characteristics of who they are and relate to the Jewish aspect of these same people the Jewish n-gen population cohort.
Perhaps for the first time in all of human history-
Children are authorities on a central innovation.
If you read any of the ongoing descriptions of what is going on with the youth and the Jewish youth of the world- no matter who writes and no matter where you read the one common descriptor is such words as: crisis, tragedy, problems, emergency, disaster- etc., etc.
We wring our hands and ask “what did we do …”, or some variation of:
“What went wrong”?
I would like to suggest that it is exactly the OPPOSITE that is the case.
This is perhaps the most creative and innovative generation in a long time.
Obviously, each generation is unique and functions in its particular historical setting. This generation has a set of transformational technologies that is literally changing what it means to be human.
While there are many concerns about this generation, overall- they are an enormously positive force for significant optimistic change in our society.
That they are NOT like their parents –US (or ME and my generation) is their greatest blessing and gift to us.
My generation did what it did-basically it could no other.
To suggest that what we did is the best and that this has to be continued is to me simply absurd and of course –it will not happen.
One of the main reasons that this new N-gen IS different is because it is born into and has learned to use these new innovative and creative information technologies- all falling into the general jargon of : digital, cyber, IT, .
It is not just that they have a new toy to play with and that there is a new Tool to use. We have gone far beyond this.
The n-gen has gone beyond mere tool technology.
N-gen is quite literally changing the human brain and how we are using our human brain—and beyond.
It is to these applications that I would like to devote the next few Cyber Or sections.
Who Are the Jewish N-Gen.
There is a huge amount of data dealing with this group. Most of this is based on the data from the research on the American scene.
From what I can get and compiling much of it–
The picture that emerges is something like this:
(I also realize that I am choosing what I find that fits and reinforces my personal opinions-granted.)
1. They are proud to be Jewish.
2. They are largely unaffiliated with Jewish organizational life.
3. They are attracted to Jewish culture.
4. They are less attracted to Jewish religion.
5. They like diversity.
6. They have no strong ties to the State of Israel.
7. They have no strong ties to the Jewish Federation system
8. They do not go much to Synagogue.
9. Marry late
10. Not always marry a Jew
11. More bonded to American culture
12. Judaism is important
13. Judaism is not the most important.
14. Little relation to a religious definition of God
15. Very related to a spiritual quest.
16. Remember the Shoah
17. Make the world a better place- Tikkun Olam
18. Living a moral lifestyle
19. Be culturally creative
20. Develop new expressions of Jewish religion and Jewish spirituality.
21. Be part of the global Jewish community through Jewish websites, blogs etc.