“The Truth about Judas Iscariot” is a book that is at once a work of philosophy, cosmology, literature, poetry, mythology, anthropology, psychology, and history, not to mention, of course, a commentary on religion. Of the several recently-published books that draw on new information about the Judas character, this is the most holistic and most thought-provoking. It is not just about what we have learned from newly discovered ancient documents, but it is about the many ideas and nuances of thought that form a two-thousan
—Dan Burstein, author of the New York Times Bestseller, Secrets of the Code.
It is very rare indeed that we are witness to a real Revolution- “a change of a thing completely and fundamentally”.
What was once seen as an archeological curiosity that sat undisturbed and unread for 17 years in a bank vault in
Not only did this treasure sit in a modern bank vault, it also sat unread for nearly two thousan
We are, of course talking about “The Gospel of Judas”.
This is an authentic text of the Second Century that has recently come to light and has revolutionized our understanding of the Mission of Jesus and the place of Judas Iscariot in that
For 2,000 years the name of Judas was associated with the idea of
“Judas the Traitor”. Not only was He as a specific person seen as a traitor but all of the Jews were also seen as traitors who Betrayed Jesus to the Romans.
For millennia Jews have been branded, hounded and slaughtered because of this association all throughout Christian countries.
It must be true because that is what the Gospel says.
That is what only one of the Gospel narratives telling of the tale.
There was another “Gospel” that tells a very different story of what happened that day in Jerusalem 2,000 years ago.
This Gospel was lost or hidden away on purpose.
Through Divine Providence it has recently come to light.
This is the Gospel story that Dr. Yitzhaq Hayut-Man explores in his revolutionary book “The Truth about Judas: Mysteries of the Judas Code Revealed” (Waterside Publishing, 2007).
Dr. Hayut-Man shows how we can see that by reading this new Gospel a very different view of Judas emerges. One who was the disciple who most understood the true mission of Jesus. We read how this same person who was seen as a “traitor” now becomes “The greatest Disciple of Jesus”.
With Dr. Hauyt-Man as our guide we are brought to see a Judas who was given a special teaching that was not given to the other disciples and not known to the writers of the other Gospels of the traditional New Testament Cannon; either not known or well known and not accepted and hence “hidden away”.
Judas had access to a “luminous cloud of Knowing” from Jesus that set him apart from all of the other disciples.
This was a unique form of “Knowing”. It was a synergy of the Gnostic knowing of the period and the knowing of the Jewish Quabbalah of the very same period in
Dr. Hayut-Man has written this remarkable book just in order to provide us with the needed keys to unlock and understand this treasure trove of ancient wisdom.
When the Gospel of Judas came to light and was published, there were a number of first rate scholars who saw how significant it really was and how it challenged the traditional New Testament Gospel accounts. Those books dealt with the understanding of the past and the origins of the Church.
Dr. Hayut-Man does that and much more.
He provides a thorough analysis of the Gnosis and Quabbalah of the time, and takes us through history until our present era.
He shows us how and why an understanding of the Gospel of Judas can function as a blueprint for dealing with one of the most maddening and intense conflicts of our century and certainly our generation:
The Israel-Palestinian conflict —
– Politicians are not able to resolve it.
– Generals are not able to solve it.
– The International Community is not able to deal with it.
— A scholar-historian may yet be able to resolve it.
We generally do not deal with “reality” but rather, with “perceived reality”. When you change your perception –you change your reality. That is precisely what Dr. Hayut-Man has set out to do and does so well.
Many of us are fascinated by and also terrified of the may be our imminent Apocalypse. What we have here presented in this book is an Anti-Apocalypse.
Dr. Hayut-Man, an expert working on these problems for over 30 years by now shows us with impeccable and exhaustive historic and philosophical analysis entirely new facets to what happened in the PAST, how it is effecting our PRESENT and how it can affect our FUTURE.
It is no accident that the Gospel of Judas was “discovered “in our generation. We are the first generation where the events told- overlooking the
We are the generation of the “Armageddon Button”.
Only we can decide.
Dr. Hayut-Man offers us an alternative to hatred and an opportunity for reconciliation and understanding and love.
Before you get to the book, read the introduction of the
Reverend Dr. Richard Kirby, President of the Academy of Jerusalem, who sees this analysis as a hallmark event in the reconciliation of Christianity and Judaism, and could put an end to at least some aspects of Anti-Semitism.
He suggests that it would allow Christians to benefit from Jewish mystical wisdom and allows Jews to see Jesus, not as a renegade but as a Tsadiq (A Holy Person).
Rabbi, Dr. Moshe Dror:
International President,
World Network of Religious Futurists