Imagine hearing a frightening siren blaring “Code Red, Code Red” and having 15 seconds to run for cover. –…
Kassam Attacks on Sderot, Israel –…
Over 12,000 Kassam (Qassam) Rockets have been fired into southern Israel in the last 8 years, deliberately targeting Israeli civilians, causing chaos, destruction and death. An entire generation of children has been traumatized by the terror of ongoing rocket attacks. Israeli cities such as Sderot and Ashkelon continue to be in real danger. As Hamas’ Kassam Rocket stockpiles continue to increase, this is a war on terror that needs your support.
Nearly one million residents of Israel are within striking range of rockets from Gaza. With only 15 seconds to find cover, lives are in jeopardy. Israel desperately needs more bomb shelters to protect its citizens. From each item purchased on our website, a portion of the proceeds will be donated to Operation Lifeshield to build more bomb shelters in Israel and save lives.…
Hand sculpted roses crafted from actual Kassam Rockets that landed in Israel, symbolize the perseverance of the people of Israel. Living symbols of Israel’s perseverance in the face of Hamas and Islamic terror. Yaron Bob, an Israeli artist, who understands what it means to live in the shadow of terror, has found his way of transforming objects of war into expressions of peace. He creates metal art sculptures that blossom with hope: A magnificent rose with a mission.