Good News from Israel

This Week’s Sanity Report from Israel at War Nov. 12, 2023

This Week’s Sanity Report from Israel at War Nov. 12, 2023

The highlights include:



Unexpected heroes. One website containing the stories of 27 Israeli citizens who were thrown into life-saving situations on Oct 7.

Angels in orange. So many stories about United Hatzalah EMTs who rescued dozens of wounded Israelis on Oct 7.  Some were too harrowing for this newsletter.  At least these ones have positive endings. Since Oct 7, UH EMTs have treated thousands, evacuated hundreds, delivered tons of medical supplies, and much more.

How Kfar Maimon was saved. On Oct 7, dozens of Hamas terrorists invaded the fields of Kfar Maimon, a religious Moshav about 5km from Gaza. They made the mistake, however, of shooting down a passing low-flying helicopter. It was carrying Israeli paratroopers who exited unhurt and eliminated the terrorists.

IDF base reopens. The Nahal Oz surveillance control center overrun by Hamas terrorists on Oct 7 has been reopened at a temporary site on the Re’im army base 2km south of the original base. The (mostly female) surveillance soldiers belong to the Intelligence Corps as did hostage Ori Megidish who was rescued from Gaza.

Natebuzz is in Israel. Australian actor Nate Buzolic (natebuzz on Instagram with 3.4 million followers) is in Israel for the 26th time. He founded Rova Media 3 weeks ago and has partnered Rabbi Ari Lamm (grandson of former YU chancellor Rabbi Norman Lamm) to change Israel’s poor online image for the younger generation.

Protecting civilians in Gaza. Finally, a positive Israel story from the BBC. How Israeli intelligence worked with a Gazan dentist to ensure that hundreds of Gaza civilians were unharmed as the IDF prepared to bomb tower blocks housing Hamas terrorists.

215 Bnei Menashe make Aliyah and join IDF. Since Oct 7, 75 members of the Bnei Menashe community from India have made Aliyah and joined IDF combat units. Another 140 new Olim have joined the reserves.

Miracle births. (TY Ari) On Oct 7, Hevda Malca was in a safe room in Sderot while Hamas terrorists were rampaging outside. Her sister-in-law Ayala Shlomo was in a safe room in Kiryat Gat when a Hamas rocket hit their house. Both Ayala and Hedva have just given birth at Laniado hospital in Netanya.–on-simchat-torah-hide-from-the-missiles—this-week-they-gave-new-life-%7C-israel-hayom.rJk12LFGp.html


Successful trial of heart support device. (TY Atid-EDI) Israel’s Magenta Medical (see here previously) reported positive results in a 15-patient trial of its Elevate System. The percutaneous Left Ventricular Assist Device (pLVAD) supports circulation in high-risk percutaneous coronary interventions (HR-PCI).

Long-term relief from migraines. (TY Atid-EDI) Israel’s Theranica (see here previously) has reported successful long-term use of its Nerivio Remote Electrical Neuromodulation (REN) device for 409 migraine sufferers in the US. It consistently gave pain relief, functional disability relief and freedom.

AI to develop new therapies. (TY Atid-EDI) Israel’s Can-Fite (see here previously) is developing small molecule medicines that address oncology and inflammatory diseases. It has partnered with Collaborations Pharma to use AI and Machine Learning techniques that significantly reduce development time and costs.


Wartime solutions for special needs. Israel’s ESNA (Emergency Special Needs Assistance) Initiative acts as a universal portal for disabled people who have a specific need or request but cannot search for it themselves. A Zoom meeting room is open every day from 8am to 10pm, staffed by ESNA volunteers.

Inclusive school wins global education prize. (TY Charles) At the Max Rayne Hand In Hand Jerusalem School, Jewish and Arab students learn together in both Hebrew and Arabic. It has been crowned winner of the T4 Education World’s Best School prize for overcoming adversity. See also here previously.

Pets rescued. Many stories have surfaced of pets from devastated kibbutzim and towns in the south being found and brought to animal rescue centers. From the “Iron” parrot of Aza, to the petting zoo animals from Be’eri.  Many have been reunited with their surviving owners.

200 global companies Stand with Israel. (TY UWI) From Accenture to Zoom, including Adidas, American (Airlines, Eagle & Express), Apple, Amazon, Boeing, Chanel, Google, IBM, Intel, Meta, MasterCard, Microsoft, Nasdaq, NFL, Nvidia, Netflix, Oracle, SAP, Siemens, Sony Music, Tesla, UPS, and Walmart.

Come and help. (TY Barton) Here are some organizations that may have volunteering opportunities in Israel.
Leket (harvesting, sorting & distributing food for the needy); Hospitals (e.g., Hadassah) and a special program organized by JNF-USAAlmost half of all Israelis volunteered in the first two weeks of war.

Join the harvest. There is a shortage of agricultural labor in central Israel, as many foreign workers have returned to their home countries. Ex-Taglit-Birthright Israel trip participants (age 18 – 40) are invited to harvest Israeli crops for free accommodation and transport. Also, non-Jewish US cowboys & farmhands are helping.

Blood brothers. (TY Hazel) Commander of the German Air Force, Lieutenant General Ingo Gerhartz, came to Israel to be briefed by his Israeli counterpart Major General Tomer Bar. While he was here, he traveled to Sheba Medical Center in Tel HaShomer so that he and his staff could donate blood.


Blast-proof panels. The bomb-proof material produced by Israel’s Ortech (see here previously) has been launched just in time. Ortech’s panels have reinforced the 156-room Amigour sheltered housing for Holocaust survivors in the southern city of Be’er Sheva. They are also being used to protect IDF soldiers.

Have a safe flight. Israel’s Cyviation is the world’s first company to focus on cybersecurity for aircraft. It covers everything from crew training to incident management. It has just opened a HQ in New York and secured a US patent for its tech to identify cyber threats within an aircraft’s cockpit and avionics systems.

Identifying drone malfunctions. Israel’s Maris-Tech (see here previously) has just received a $156,000 grant from the Israel Innovation Authority. It will help it continue its joint project with Ben-Gurion University to identify and predict drone faults and malfunctions.


Israeli shekel strengthens. At the start of the war, the value of the Israel shekel fell by around 10% with over 4 shekels to the US$. It has since recovered nearly all its value.

Open for trade. Ashdod is Israel’s largest port.  Just 20km from Gaza, and under constant rocket fire, it is operating 24/7, unloading cargo essential for Israel’s economy.

Low interest loans to help businesses. The Bank of Israel is to provide Israel’s commercial banks with up to NIS 10 billion for two years so they can grant loans to war-affected small businesses at lower interest rates. It will help them deal with the economic hardship arising from the war, until they return to full operations.

Iron Nation fund. A group of leading venture capitalists and serial entrepreneurs have launched an emergency impact fund dubbed “Iron Nation”. It aims to raise $20 million to provide early-stage Israeli startups with a lifeline during the ongoing war.  The fund is backed by global tech & VC pro-bono volunteers.

Investment funds for startups in the South. Israel’s Arieli Capital (see here previously) has launched its Southern Starlight Initiative that will allocate NIS 5 million for startups in the south of the country that were impacted by the Hamas terror attack on Oct 7. Arieli will also guide the startups through this period.

Free empathic robot in Florida. (TY OurCrowd) The AI-powered companion ElliQ (see here previously) created by Israeli startup Intuition Robotics is being offered free to eligible adults over 60 in Coral Springs and Broward County South Florida.

Recycling water in Texas. (TY OurCrowd) Israel’s Kando (see here previously) is helping maintain water quality for recycling or drinking in El Paso, Texas. Kando uses sensors distributed throughout the city’s sewers. They alert El Paso’s wastewater management about a possible pollution event so that they can investigate.

Exploring for gas in a war. Israel’s war against Hamas has not deterred foreign companies from continuing to search for new oil and gas deposits in Israeli waters. The Energy ministry has awarded 12 licenses to six companies, including BP and ENI, for natural gas exploration off the country’s Mediterranean coast.

Ormat powers up in the US.  (TY Atid-EDI) For $271 million, Israel’s Ormat Technologies (see here previously) has bought six US energy sites in Utah, Nevada, Connecticut, and California.

Palo Alto acquires two Israeli startups. US tech giant Palo Alto is taking over Israel’s Talon Cyber Security (see here previously) for at least $600 million. The announcement comes a week after Palo Alto announced the acquisition of another Israeli startup Dig Security (see here previously) for around $400 million.

Investment in Israeli startups – to 12/11/23: Next Insurance raised $265 million; Myrror Security raised $6 million;


Israeli-Arab teams’ silence for Oct 7 victims. Israeli soccer teams Umm Al Fahm and Kafr Qasim observed a 1-minute silence for the victims of Oct 7 prior to their match. “Wishing for better and beautiful days, for Arabs and Jews alike,” said a statement from Umm al-Fahm team owner Muhammad Abu Alam.

Judoka silvers. (TY Hazel) Israeli judokas were able to bring some pride to the nation last weekend as Gili Sharir and Raz Hershko both took home the silver medals while Inbar Lanir captured bronze at the European Championships held in Montpellier, France.


Good news on Jerusalem’s Streets.  I apologize to Sharon, but I hadn’t been expecting any good news on the streets of Jerusalem.  This article from two weeks ago highlights huge flags, weddings, Bat Mitzvot, messages of “Am Yisrael Chai”, volunteering, donating, Arab families, plus support and accommodation for evacuees.

Nothing stops the wedding. So many couples continue to hold marriage ceremonies despite the war.  In many cases, the chupah takes place on army bases with the groom and many wedding guests in combat uniform.
Sometimes (TY Leonie) both the bride and groom are wed in IDF uniform (see here).

Reciting kiddush in a tank. IDF soldiers on their way into Gaza don’t forget about Shabbat and recite a heartfelt kiddush prayer. They also request divine protection for the IDF, for their Givati brigade and for peace.

We’re back. For the first time in decades, Israeli soldiers prayed at a 6th Century CE synagogue in the Rimal suburb of Gaza City.  Amazingly the building, built in 508 CE, is still standing. A mosaic of King David with a lyre and his name in Hebrew was moved to Jerusalem’s Israel Museum in 1967. Plus, Hatikvah on Gaza beach.

How to help Israel.  Here are some sites where newsletter readers can donate to Israeli organizations that provide vital help to Israelis at this difficult time.  Many thanks to those who have already contributed and to those who are helping by donating their own valuable time and resources.

Friends of the IDF (US donors):
or IDF Soldiers Fund in Israel:  (select the English speakers’ option)

American Friends of Magen David Adom (US donors):
or Magen David Adom (Israel):

Zaka (US donors):  or (Israeli donors):
or (Canadian donors):

United Hatzalah:  or Canada
Leket Food Israel:
JNF USA –  or Canada
Orthodox Union –

Hadassah Hospital Israel:
Laniado Hospital (Netanya)

And many more charities here:

Buy Israel Bonds to support the Jewish State. (TY Larry B)
Europe –
Canada –

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