Yoram Getzler z"l

The JPost + One from the Jerusaelm Report

  Naim Peress, (JERUSALEM REPORT; Viewpoint Nov 7 ’11 Recipe for Disaster); states “…only 31 percent of the respondents to a poll conducted by Stanley Greenberg and the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion of Palestinians in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip accepted the concept of two states for two peoples…”.


(http://www.freedomflotilla.eu/en/home/groups/viewdiscussion/3247-Poll%3A+Palestinians+seek+normalcy+over+statehood?groupid=4 )

By Yoram Getzler

I would suggest that an alternative statement preceding the poll results might be “a significant minority, one third…of Palestinians accept the two states for two people concept.”

That third is significant particularly when we remember that ALL the representatives and spokespeople for the PA/PLO vociferously declare that they (the Palestinian people) will never accept the “two states” formula that includes “for two people”, as that would be tantamount to recognizing the legitimacy of the Jewish people as a nation and Israel as their nation state. (Thereby fulfilling Netanyahu’s demand and opening wide the door to negotiations towards a “two states for two people” settlement.)

But the qeustion that really demands an answer is: Where is the representation of this significant minority, (one third) in the Palestinian parliament. Who speaks for these Palestinians? Where are their opinions expressed, in which newspapers? On which TV stations? By which political organization?

If theirs is a democracy as they claim and people such as Jimmy Carter authenticates…where are the voices of this large minority whose voices need to be heard, by both the Palestinian and Israeli people.

Comments about a JERUSALEM POST article

It is a real pleasure to have Hirsh Goodman back on the pages of the Jerusalem Post. Congratulations to whom ever made the decision to bring him back.

However I want to take exception to the statement attributed to him in the book review by STEVE LINDE in your Aug 25 edition. (http://www.jpost.com/LandedPages/PrintArticle.aspx?id=235437)

YES, it is probably true that “The best defense against unfriendly governments is for Israel to make peace with the Palestinians”. What is missing is the understanding that peace requires both antagonists to respect each other enough to make and then maintain the compromises necessary.

I and many other Israelis see little or no sign within the Palestinian community that such a ability and will exists. Not that Israel at this time exhibits any great understanding of the need to make extraordinary efforts for the sake of our future.

The refusal to accept us as we define ourselves is in itself a sign of disrespect and shows a lack of honor towards us and our identity. This raises deep suspicions about the sincerity of any smiles handshakes or agreements.


Yoram Getzler is co-host of israelseen comments on the Israeli press.

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