Mark Okrent – My Take on the Israeli Health Provider, Maccabi
In reflection of the excellent service we receive from our Israeli Health Provider, Maccabi, I sent the following to my friends in North America and the U.K.
Dear Friends
Before and especially during the pandemic, I generally share various stories and clips which cross my “desk” either from other friends or which I have found and I wish to share with the hope that they will give pleasure or find interest with other friends.
I just realized that there is a personal anecdote which possibly friends from outside Israel might be interested in hearing.
Much has been written about how Israel has excellent health care and in particular has been leading the world with Covid vaccine inoculations so I thought you all might be interested in two phone calls which my wife, Susan and I each separately received from Maccabi, our health care provider here in Israel.
- Last week, I received a phone call from Maccabi (by a real person not a computerized voice) informing me that it has been about a year since I had done blood, urine and cholesterol tests (like many other altes, I have diabetes, gout, high blood pressure) and asking if I would like to do these tests when it is convenient for me so I scheduled the appointment at my local Maccabi on Rothschild St. in Kfar Saba for 8:30 this Thursday morning. Susan got a similar separate call and so she scheduled for the same time period.
- Both Susan and I had our first vaccine shots on Wednesday December 23 at Maccabi in Petach Tikva. We had contacted Maccabi 5 days previously at which time, they had not as yet opened stations for inoculations in Kfar Saba. We are scheduled to have our second shots this coming Wednesday again in Petach Tikva at 2 p.m. Today, each one of us was contacted by a computerized phone call reminding us of the time and place for our upcoming appointments and of the importance of receiving the second shot three weeks after the first one. The computerized phone call then requested us to input “1” to confirm that we would be coming as scheduled and in response informed us that we were confirmed.
It just struck me how fortunate we are to have such excellent health care.
best regards
Mark Okrent
Subsequently, I received several emails from some of these friends which I found to be quite interesting
(from Canada) Yes, you and Susan are very fortunate. Here chaos and confusion reigns about vaccinations. In the US, I just read that somehow US hospitals are throwing out vaccine instead of vaccinating anyone who wants those doses. Worse chaos. The world is amazed with Israel’s vaccine programme and more than a little envious. Of course, lamentably, that success will lead to more anti-semitic tropes
(from Canada) Really impressive. Now all you have to do is stay well and safe!! I am sure J. and I will have a long wait for ours!
(from Canada) Absolutely! I’m delighted to hear how effective and efficient it is in Israel. And genius to have arranged for these volumes. Israel is the perfect model to demonstrate proof of concept. And underneath it all is the Jewish value for every precious life and a sense of urgency in the execution. Here in bureaucratic Canada, I don’t expect to be inoculated before late summer.
(from U.K.) That’s great. We also had our first vaccine on December 23rd and our second is this Saturday 16th January, but we are still advised to stay away from others. We also both get reminders for blood tests etc but the difference is that we ignore them. You have inspired me to do my tests
(from Canada) That’s incredible. I’m so happy for you and Susan. It must be a tremendous relief knowing that your lives will be able to get back to normal soon.
My mother-in-law lives in a retirement home and is getting her first shot on Saturday. It seems like A. and I won’t be getting a shot for at least 6 months unless the government will permit us to get one so we can visit the retirement home. I appreciate you sharing your good news with me. It helps to hear positive things these days.
(from Florida) I’m so happy that you and Susan have been vaccinated. We have gotten the news here that Israel has been excellent when it came to vaccinating their population.
Of course the USA is a different story. Although Dad and D. have received their first dose with appointments to get the second dose in a few weeks. Dad got his because of his age and Don has a weakened immune system due to medication he is taking. I have been trying to get an appointment with no luck. Everything is a first come first serve basis here. With the new administration coming in I know things will get better.
(from Canada) A much better system than us poor Canadians!