Dov Lipman

Dov Lipman – Watch: Jerusalem Day: Celebrating the Return to Israel’s Ancient Capital

Dov Lipman – Watch: Jerusalem Day: Celebrating the Return to Israel’s Ancient Capital

Jerusalem Day is one of the highlights of the Israeli and Jewish calendar. After 2,000 years of hoping to return to Zion, the Jewish State was re-established in 1948. But for 19 years, the city was divided, with a wall running down the middle of the city. Jews were unable to access their holiest sites, the Temple Mount and the adjacent Western Wall.

All that changed in 1967. After Israel’s enemies threatened to annihilate the Jewish State, Israel saw off its foes and gained control over all of Jerusalem. To this day, we celebrate the wondrous turn of events which saw the city reunited under Israeli control.

Dov Lipman, Former Knesset member and Senior Manager – Community Outreach for HonestReporting explains how archeology has proven that Jerusalem is the ancient Jewish capital.

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