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CAMERA – Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis: Media Highlights

CAMERA – Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis: Media Highlights


Media Ignore, Downplay Infiltration of
Armed Gazans Close to Israeli Community
Amidst concerns of Hamas disruption of the World Holocaust Forum this week in Jerusalem with many world leaders in attendance, three armed Gazans infiltrated hundreds of meters into Israel and fired explosives at Israeli soldiers, who shot the assailants dead. The incident has been ignored by most mainstream Western media. The exception is the wire services, whose coverage has been uneven. Reuters, for example, falsely reported that the slain Palestinians were killed after “attempting” to cross the border–a picture quite different from the reality, where the terrorists were well inside Israeli territory. Read more
Never Again? The Moral Abdication of
Journalists Ignoring Palestinian Antisemitism
Journalists who employ the oft-repeated idea of “never again” in covering Holocaust remembrance, but ignore the genocidal antisemitism in much of Palestinian society, are guilty of a shameful moral abdication. Read more
The Time the CIA Took a Terrorist to Disneyland
Many anti-Israel activists and pundits take it as a given that the US government has always had a staunch and unwavering “pro-Israel bias.” But as CAMERA’s Sean Durns explains, the truth is not so simple–most dramatically exemplified by the CIA’s relationship with terrorist Ali Hassan Salameh, whom they even took to Disneyland. Read more
An Open Letter to Emmanuel
Macron, President of France
“I don’t mean to add to your headaches, but given that you just defended French sovereignty over St. Anne’s in the Old City of Jerusalem, I feel compelled to ask you some questions about how France administers the property. The central issue is this: Why does France allow its sovereign territory in Jerusalem to be used by the [Jerusalem Inter Church Center], which is led by [Yusef] Daher, as a staging ground for ideological and theological attacks on Jewish sovereignty in Israel?” – CAMERA’s Dexter Van Zile Read more
A BBC Journalist’s Portrayal of an
Armed Infiltration From the Gaza Strip
Three Gazans infiltrated into Israel and threw explosives at Israeli soldiers, who then shot the assailants dead. How did BBC Jerusalem correspondent Tom Bateman discuss this event? By focusing on the ages of the armed terrorist “teenagers” and unnecessarily qualifying the facts of the video-documented incident with the old “Israel says” formula. Read more
The Palestinian Authority’s Word
and the Media’s Silence
The Palestinian Authority has admitted that it won’t honor agreements that violate its “national values” or Sharia law. And the press, it seems, has decided that it doesn’t care. Read more
Haaretz Corrects: Palestinians Had
Not Purchased Disputed Land in Silwan
An article in Haaretz’s English edition falsely claimed that decades ago, Palestinian families purchased land in the Baten al-Hawa enclave of Silwan in Jerusalem. In fact, the Palestinian residents built on but did not purchase the land–the article’s headline referring to “their land” is misleading. CAMERA’s Israel office prompted a forthright correction. Read more
BBC’s Guerin Gratuitously Inserts ‘Occupation’
Into Holocaust Remembrance Coverage
BBC international correspondent Orla Guerin has a long history of problematic reporting related to Israel, so the BBC’s decision to send her to cover a subject as sensitive as Holocaust remembrance is questionable. True to form, Guerin shoehorned in an offensive reference to the “occupied Palestinian territories” in a report ostensibly on the Jewish state’s remembrance of the Shoah. Read more
The World Council of Churches
Affirms Anti-Zionist Assad Apologist
“As much as the WCC wants to deny it, the organization has been rendered stupid with its obsession with Jewish power and sovereignty. Because of its problem with Jewish power, the organization regularly does obviously dumb things like retailing insane anti-Israel propaganda from people like Bishop Attala Hanna. At virtually every juncture when the WCC has a choice between speaking the truth about the Arab-Israeli conflict and beating up on Israel, it almost invariably chooses the latter.” Read more
BBC Yawns at PA Paper’s Call for
Violence at Holocaust Commemoration
The official Palestinian Authority newspaper published an op-ed calling for a terrorist attack at the commemoration ceremony of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, held this week in Jerusalem with numerous world leaders including Prince Charles participating. The BBC, which has an entire department dedicated to translating foreign language media, hasn’t found this newsworthy. Read more
Academic Holocaust Journal
Publishes Article Degrading Zionism
CAMERA researchers Ricki Hollander and Tricia Miller explain how, in an article published in the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum’s journal, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, author Amy Weiss “distorts a positive example of post-Holocaust, interfaith cooperation as well as the entire Zionist mission of the JNF to denigrate Zionism in general. The question is – why would a scholarly journal of a premier Holocaust museum allow its pages to be used as a vehicle for what amounts to nothing but anti-Zionist propaganda?” Read more
Antisemitism on the College Campus is Evolving
“The constant evolution of campus antisemitism means that, to an extent, pro-Israel campus activism is reactive, rather than proactive, since we never know what form it will take next.

We must learn from our mistakes, anticipate where the winds are blowing, and formulate a plan to stop the next iteration of campus antisemitism before it manifests itself.” – Campus coordinator Eitan Fischberger Read more

Pro-Israel Groups Urge U of Michigan to Cancel SJP Conference Featuring ‘Vicious’ Antisemites
“For many years, and especially since the University of Michigan’s student government passed a BDS resolution in 2017, Ann Arbor has been a hotbed for anti-Israel activity. Students for Justice in Palestine and their affiliates propagate misinformation, whitewash the threat of terrorism against Israel and advocate for the dissolution of the world’s only Jewish state.” – Director of campus programming and strategic relationships Hali Haber Read more
Are American Taxpayer Funds
Fueling Anti-Israel Indoctrination?
“There is reason to believe that some of the most prestigious such departments in the United States are misappropriating Title VI grants. Rigid Anti-American and anti-Israel doctrinaire that downplays the threat of radical Islamic terrorism has become ubiquitous in the field, compromising objective academic inquiry in favor of the proliferation of one worldview—one that hardly helps the country ‘compete with its geopolitical rivals.'” Read more


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