Lee Diamond

Lee Diamond – Never Miss an Opportunity

Lee Diamond – Never Miss an Opportunity

For years we said

The Palestinians never miss

An opportunity

to miss an opportunity


Now Its our turn–


He will soon arrive

In all his pomp and circumstance

His First  international venture

10o million $$$$$ worth

1000 members of his entourage


He will want to have the  “Trump” card

–To achieve what no other

Has achieved.


To bargain on “his” behalf

For “our” behalf

But for him to succeed

It must ‘be-half’

And for our Palestinians

It must “be half”,


Let’s see the glass as ‘”half” full

For our “be half”


The opportunity is before us

To end the conflict


Can we swallow our pride?

Can our neighbors swallow their

National pride in order to

Take the opportunity

Rather than miss it


Let Trump take the credit

Let’s help him proclaim that

Donald Trump

brought the illusionary

Peace that all others failed to


His victory will be in our

“Be half.”


Let’s not miss this opportunity

Let’s let Donald Trump

Have the “Trump” card


For the winner

Will be all of us!


“And the rest will be told

In the chronicles

Of Israel”

and those Of the

“People  of Palestine”

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