Lee Diamond

Lee Diamond – Tattoos and Brit


Lee Diamond – Tattoos and Brit

It’s come to my attention

That “Brit Milah”

Is considered by some savvy young

Jews to be barbaric.


A remnant of the distant past

An act of aggression on the part

Of parents to mutilate their

Poor unsuspecting male child!

An act of genital rape

Against  or at least without

The consent of the newborn .


Creating an irreversible reality

For the 8 day old male child forever


Since the days of Abraham we’ve been

Mutilating our Jewish “princes ! ”

4000 years of genital rape

By Jewish parents who aim to hurt

Their babies and to force them

Without the child’s consent to be different.


It’s not enough to live our lives

With Freudian and Woody Allan

Jewish Guilt

Now we have a real reason  to be really



How  can we be so primitive –so 4000 year “oldish ?”

Why don’t we behave like the age we live in?

Do away with the old and bring in the savvy

21st century Jew who knows better! Who care more

And love their  children more

Who are more with it?


Leave the penis to its owner!


If these savvy young Jews are correct

We should also avoid choosing

To educate our kids as Jews or Americans or Israelis

Or enlightened young beings

Or “Any things”  and just allow them to choose

When they’re  old enough to understand!


Don’t make decisions of the mind

Or the Flesh

For our kids.

Don’t even build their educational curricula!

Or help them to choose a value system.


Lay it all Out

Dfor them to choose from!

Be that the flag of Israel

Or the Hatikva

Or the Star Spangled Banner

Or the flag of Isis

Or Jewish or

Buddhist identity .



But God Forbid

Don’t be primitive

Enough as to define an identity

for our kids

Or to inscribe into their flesh

The irreversible definition of their

Jewish identity


Earrings– ok for all

Nose rings –fine

Belly button rings — no problem

Tongue and lip rings —nothing worth speaking of





So “with it!”

So millennial

So modern

Every where


Visible and in hidden places

But irreversible

And defining for a lifetime

Despite our growth and change.


TATOOS are permanent

Brit is permanent

TATOOS are arbitrary

Brit is  intentional

TATOOS decorate

Brit  makes you

Part of something

With eternal values

Which has kept us unique!l

Did you get this

“Brit kept us Jews”

It’s our great secret!l


Brit is an act of choosing

A value system

Which is passed from

Generation to Generation

Since we Chose or were chosen!


Maybe that is why the Torah

Commands us to make the covenant

Of the flesh–the Brit

And forbids us to TATOO our God created


Of flesh and blood!


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