Policemen take cover after a rocket fired by Palestinian terrorists in Gaza hit a house in southern Israel on November 11, 2012. (photo credit: Edi Israel/Flash90) When is the Government going to put an end to these acts of terror coming from Gaza? This can not continue. For all of you outside of Israel here is a view of the impact that these rockets, mortars and Grad missiles have on our people.
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From Ynet news:
The year 2012 saw the highest number of rockets being fired from Gaza at southern communities since Operation Cast Lead. No less than 858 rockets and mortar shells hit Israel in 2012. Of those, 119 were fired in the latest round of violence.
The data do not include the 110 rockets that were intercepted by the Iron Dome system and dozens more that exploded inside Palestinian territory.
Damage in south (Photo: Eliad Levy)
In comparison, 2011 saw 676 rockets and mortar shells being fired at Israel and 2010 saw 357 rocket launches.
In 2009, immediately after the end of Operation Cast Lead and until the end of the year, 317 rockets and mortar shells hit Israeli territory.
In 2008, which ended with the Gaza offensive, no less than 3,700 rockets and mortar shells were fired at Israel, according to the Shin Bet.
2012 saw record number of rockets hitting Israel (Photo: Eliad Levy)
From the Times of Israel:
A new iPhone app enables users to keep track of Palestinian rocket fire from Gaza on southern Israel by sending a notification whenever an alert is sounded, Yedioth Ahronoth reported on Monday.
The application, which is not an official warning system, is the brainchild of 13-year-old Beersheba resident Liron Bar. Bar provides constant reports on missile attack warnings, known as Color Red alerts, and rocket strikes in the south on his Facebook page as well.
Application developer Kobi Snir volunteered to develop the free app, which sends a notification (in Hebrew) to iPhone users every time there is an air raid warning of a rocket attack from Gaza. Another volunteer, Yossi Yifrah, provides the updates.
Depending on their distance from Gaza, residentsof the south of Israel have as little as 15 seconds to run for cover from the time of the Color Red alert until a missile lands. Each time a Color Red notification reaches a phone, the app sounds an alert and displays the number of seconds that have passed since the missile warning siren.
The app is in no way a substitute for the official Color Red alerts and air raid warning systems that are sounded in areas under attack. However, the application does enable those living beyond the missiles’ ranges to get a taste of life in the south.