
13 Amazing Technological Advances That Are Changing Your World


13 Amazing Technological Advances That Are Changing Your World

As the future barrels toward us, new issues arise every day. These exciting inventions are working to combat the world’s problems — proof that #Israelisonit.

Desalination: making salt water drinkable

Drought is a major issue around the world. So how do we find more drinking water? Look to the sea. IDE Technologies is using a reverse-osmosis process to create a new source for freshwater.

2. Illusive Networks: a system to beat cybercrime

Illusive Networks: a system to beat cybercrime

Israeli startup Illusive Networks has a new plan for protecting sensitive data and beating cybercrime: make the hackers believe they’ve already succeeded by providing them with fake, useless information.

3. IceCure: freezing breast tumors to death

IceCure: freezing breast tumors to death

A cure for breast cancer? Getting there. Israeli biomed company IceCure has developed an FDA-approved process that kills benign tumor cells in the breast by freezing them. The process is not surgical, not painful, and takes about 15 minutes.

4. Fast ACL: a new knee implant that gets you up in no time.

Fast ACL: a new knee implant that gets you up in no time.

When an athlete tears an ACL, it can mean the end of a career. Israeli startup Tavor is working to change that with the invention of the Knee-T-Nol, a metal implant that can help athletes recover faster.

5. Waze: an app that helps people help each other find their way

Waze: an app that helps people help each other find their way

There’s a good chance you’ve already used Waze — after all, Google bought the Israeli company for $1.3 billion in 2013. Waze users help each other by reporting slowdowns, road closure, and speed traps, and the result is a map that gets you there without a hitch.

6. Gagomers: a system that increases the accuracy of chemotherapy

Gagomers: a system that increases the accuracy of chemotherapy

Gagomers, discovered at Quiet Therapeutics in Israel, are nanoparticle clusters unique in their ability to target malignant cancer cells. Gagomers bind the cells and then deliver their therapy, killing the bad cells and leaving the good ones unharmed. This technology has the potential to minimize side effects for chemotherapy patients, since it transports the drugs directly and specifically to the cancer cell.

7. Antibacterial nanoparticles: keeping hospitals safer with fabric

Antibacterial nanoparticles: keeping hospitals safer with fabric

Bacterial infections contracted during a hospital stay cause or contribute to over 75,000 preventable deaths per year. A professor at Bar-Ilan University in Israel has developed an antibacterial fabric to reduce the occurrence of these bacterial infections.

8. PillCam: a way to finally see the small intestine

PillCam: a way to finally see the small intestine

The human gut is about 25 feet long, and endoscopy and colonoscopy can show only the two ends of the digestive tract. PillCam is a pill-sized TV camera invented by Given Imaging in Israel. When swallowed, it travels through the intestine and provides eight hours of images to the doctor — all without anesthesia.

9. Mobileye: a car camera that sees what you don’t

Mobileye: a car camera that sees what you don't

Mobileye was founded in Israel in 1999 and now comes standard in most American cars. With Mobileye technology, drivers receive alerts if they are drifting into another lane or if they need to take action to avoid hitting a car.

10. ReWalk: a metal exoskeleton to help the disabled walk

ReWalk: a metal exoskeleton to help the disabled walk

ReWalk is a wearable robotic exoskeleton that allows people with spinal cord injuries to walk on their own. In 2014, ReWalk became the first exoskeleton to be approved by the US FDA.

11. WeCU: able to read the mind of potential terrorists

WeCU: able to read the mind of potential terrorists

When a passenger in an airport is planning to commit an act of terror, they exhibit emotional strain — strain that goes undetected. WeCU (We See You) is an Israeli tech company that is working on a system to identify those emotional signals and stop potential terrorists before they act.

12. Like-a-Fish: lets divers breathe underwater without a tank

Like-a-Fish: lets divers breathe underwater without a tank

Like-a-Fish is tankless diving gear that is able to extract air from water. It was created by Israeli scientist Alan Bodner in 2001 and is a boon not only for divers but for submarines, which can utilize the technology to remain underwater for much longer periods.

13. Implantable Miniature Telescope: helping people with macular degeneration see better

Implantable Miniature Telescope: helping people with macular degeneration see better

Israeli company VisionCare created the FDA-approved Implantable Miniature Telescope, which can actually be implanted in the eye. The telescope implant improves visual acuity and quality of life for patients with age-related macular degeneration.

Illustration by William Smith / © BuzzFeed

We’re working toward a better world — and #Israelisonit.




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